Knights of Favonius

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You repelled Stormterror with no difficulty. Kaeya of the Knights of Favonius witnessed the battle, and you were invited to make a trip to the Knights' Headquarters.

???: "Jean, what's the hurry? I thought we agreed to meet them here."

Jean: "There have been sightings of Stormterror outside the city. Once we meet, we must..."

???: "Relax. I'll lend a hand when the time comes."

Kaeya: "Jean, I've brought them."

Kaeya tells what happens.

Kaeya: "...And once it was over I brought them straight here."

Jean: "Mondstadt welcomes you, windborne travelers. I am Jean, Acting Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius. This is Lisa, our resident Librarian."

Lisa: "Oh! Are you sweeties here to help us out? You're both so adorable! Sadly, the timing is regrettable... Stormterror has caused quite a ruckus in the region since its recent resurgence. Simply put, Mondstadt's elemental sphere and ley lines are now akin to a yarn ball in the paws of a kitten. For a mage, it couldn't get much worse. My skin is one elemental particle away from a full-blown breakout."

Jean: "If it weren't for this interference, the Knights of Favonius would have better ways to help you than just putting up missing person posters. We simply ask that you repose in Mondstadt while we help you seek out your brother."

Lumine: "Guess we leave it up to you then. Where's the inn?

Paimon: "Hey! Don't be such a slug! We should be a part of this too!"

Y/n: " I really should help out as well."

Kaeya: "Good. In that case we need a plan."

Jean: "With Stormterror now directly attacking Mondstadt, we may have an opportunity to cut this problem off at the source. Lisa has revealed the sources of Stormterror's power with her detection magic."

Kaeya: "Is that so?"

Lisa: "They're located in the abandoned Four Wind's Temples. Stormterror's ability to whip up these kinds of storms can be attributed to it drawing power from the temples"

Jean: "Our objective is to deal with three of the four temples. I trust everyone understands why we are only dealing with three?"

Paimon: "Paimon doesn't."

Lumine: "It must be a local thing..."

Jean: "Knights of Favonius, time is against us. The storm is rampant. There is no point in maintaining a defensive position. Alright. We need to take initiative and act before the situation escalates."

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