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I jolted out of bed from raised voices once more. As I crept toward the door, it was between Phil and Techno.

"Why should I take her shopping?"

"Because she's your sister now. And it's actually a nice thing for you to do."

"But why? I have the worst fashion sense out of all of you!"

Wilbur's voice. "No, you literally wear white collared shirts and black slacks to class! Along with a red coat! That's classy! Just go with y/n, Technoblade, and stop being so whiny about it. You're gonna become Tommy if you keep doing that!"

"Hey!" Tommy complained.

Techno sighed loudly. "Fine. I'll wake her up now. I have stuff to do."

I opened the door before he could even knock. He stopped and stared at me. "What?" I asked.

He shook his head. "Nothing. I'm supposed to take you shopping. I suppose you should compose yourself first."

"But I am composed."

A small snicker came out of the small child clinging on his leg.

"This is my maximum amount of composition. I apologize if you want more."

"Oh... Okay. Let's just go now, then."

We walked through the more urban areas. I recognized some people, but mostly kept my head down until Techno suddenly stopped and gripped my wrist.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Feral Boys," He snarled. "You should probably go before they damage you."

"I can handle it. I can punch them, right?" I looked up at him.

Techno nodded.

Loud voices echoed from an alley before they suddenly burst in front of us. I tensed, apprehensive. Three boys were in front of me. One was a ravenette and had a shirt with a flame. Another wore brown and had simple brown eyes and brown hair, gazing fearfully at us. The other was black haired and glared at us as if he hated our guts.

"Look what scum washed up on the side of the road!" The flame boy laughed.

"Should we throw them back?" The black haired one asked.

"Don't even dare, Quackity," Techno said softly. "Remember the last time we managed to cross paths?"

The man known as Quackity recoiled and glared now at me. "Who's this strange girl who comes from the dumpster?"

"Dumpster girl!" The flame boy laughed.

"You should probably run," I told the brown haired boy. "Unless you are with them."

The boy slipped away from the two. Techno and I traded glances before attacking. I punched the flame boy in the face, then kicked him where it hit the most. Techno drop kicked Quackity, and the result was the two boys on the floor. "They never learn," Techno chuckled.

We walked on until we reached a store with mannequins. Techno opened the door and we went inside. The store was simple, but bigger on the inside than outside. I examined the numerous dresses they had, fascinated. I had never worn a dress before and never planned to start. Techno, however, had other plans. "What about this one?" He asked, lifting up a fluffy pink one.

"You would have to kill me first," I said grimly, heading for the clearance rack.

"Hey, where are you going?" Techno followed me.

I selected black slacks (49% off), white collared shirts (50% off), a purple jacket for summer, a blue jacket for winter (48% off), black jeans, one hoodie that was dark green, a blue and green scarf for winter, a black beanie, and some pairs of shoes.

"You might need this as well," Techno said quietly, handing me a brush, comb, and some hair ties.

I nodded gratefully at him and put the items in a bag. Techno carried a bag of his own and paid for it at the counter. I saw white collared shirt and brown slacks, a blue cape, a red cape, a red scarf, a blue scarf, and a pair of boots.

We walked home in silence.

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