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I read a book in Tommy's room. It consisted of a bunk bed, small desk, random cushions scattered on the floor, a shelf with a bunch of nerf guns, and some picture books and short novels. Due to the dust on them, I doubted Tommy read them. It was a white room similar to mine.

"Hey y/n!"

"What is the matter, Tommy?" I looked up from my book.

"What made you go to the orphanage? Tubbo's asking."

"None of your beeswax."

"But whyyyyyyyyy!?"

"Not telling."



"YEAH y/n!"

THe door opened and Wilbur poked his head in. "Can you not? I'm trying to sleep."

"y/n won't tell us what made her go to the orphanage!" Tubbo complained.

"Why does not everyone go to sleep now?" I suggested, avoiding the subject.

"Just tell us," Techno said, poking his head in as well. "We're your family now, after all."

"It is my business."

"Then I'll get the papers," Wilbur said, walking away.

"Wait, no, don't!" I yelled. (ah, the apostrophe)

"Just tell us then," Tommy whined.

"No. It is my business."

The dreaded shuffling of papers. "Wait... y/n!?"

"What is it?"

"Is this true!?"


"Your parents!"

"That you tried to kill them!"

"WHAT!?" Ranboo yelled, running over to the doorway. "Did she succeed!?"

"Well... yes. But she wasn't in juvie because she was below the age of reason... and something else I can't read..."

I closed my book. "It's a long story. Too complicated for you boys to know."

"Did Phil know this when he adopted you!?" Ranboo yelled.

"What did I know?" Phil walked over to us. "You guys are getting really rowdy. It's 9PM, you should be in bed!"

"Did you know that y/n was a murderer when you adopted her?" Tommy asked.

"Oh... Ummm..." Philza picked at a thread in his robe.

"It's a yes!" Tubbo shouted, and there was uproar.

I sighed. I never counted the number of times they took me to their home, actually read the papers, and then took me back. It was too many times to count, a bigger number than the times I had gotten rejected. And they didn't even let me explain. Typical. All according to the countless times I had experienced this again and again. 

"If you don't want me to be here, I'll leave." I stood up from my cushion.

"It's not that, y/n, it's that... are you stable?" Phil asked.

"Probably not. Look, I'm a danger to all of you. All of you ignorant lot. If you don't want to know the truth, I'll leave."

"Wait-" Techno started to say before I stood up, walking calmly to my room and slamming the door. Why were adults like this? And the children? What's an open mind to them?

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