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I had to speedrun this. I packed my backpack with my brush, one spare set of clothes, my boots, and placed my converse on my feet. Opening the window, I stepped onto the ledge and closed it behind me. Then I fell from the ledge and rolled, absorbing the impact, and running. I had noticed a fence at the side of the house and jumped it, sprinting.

I could hear voices shouting distantly, but I ignored them. I started to realize how stupid of a plan this was, but I just kept on running.

I realized I was in front of the library. The library. The one that the whole family had all warned me about. It was surprisingly large, a blue fence on the sides of the library to prevent from anyone sneaking in. A sign, next to the door, reading F. B. School for Education of Minors, East Entrance

"Wait, what are you doing here?" Exactly what I was thinking myself, though the voice seemed to be outside my head.

I fumbled for my paper and tied it hurriedly around my face before turning toward the voice. It was a boy with light brown hair, wearing a mask similar to mine, but with a smiley face. I didn't think he was adopted, but most of the kids here were, so probably. I had no idea why that was, but maybe there were a shortage of couples or some other reason.

I shook my head and walked toward the library doors.

"It's closed. Why do you want to go to the library, anyway? What's your name?" He looked about my age in a green sweatshirt and black slacks.

I shook my head.

"Do you talk? Are you like Callahan? I know he's selectively mute, but he hasn't talked to anyone."

I shrugged.

"Why are you wearing a mask, anyway? What are you doing here, anyway?"

I rolled my eyes. Questions, questions. Geez, why were there so many extroverts in this area? I almost longed for the rock hard bed in my o̶r̶p̶h̶a̶n̶a̶g̶e̶  adoption center.

"Dream!" The librarian's voice. "What are you doing out there?"

The boy known as Dream looked to his right. "I'll be right there!"

"Do you need a place to stay for the night? I'm pretty sure Dad would allow it."

I had to debate for a few seconds before shrugging and nodding. I mean, one bed for the night. That was it. There were no strings attached, or so I hoped. 

"Oh, okay! Follow me." The boy turned and walked.

I followed him, pulling on my hood, until he reached a house. It was a gray house. I didn't really look at the details, since I wouldn't be there for very long.

The librarian was standing on the porch. When Dream reached him, he hugged Dream, then turned toward me. "Who's this?"

"She wouldn't tell me her name. Or talk, for that matter. I'm pretty sure she's homeless."

I shook my head violently.

"Hey, Dream!" Flame boy opened the door. "Wait, is this Mask Girl?"

I didn't respond to that statement.

"You'll have to talk, y'know. I know you can," The librarian said gently.

I sighed. "Too much trouble interacting with you lot. I am outta here."

"Wait, no!" Dream said. "Don't be homeless!"

"Nah. Sounds better than interacting with humans." I turned to go.

"Who's this?" A familiar brunette with curly hair walked onto the porch. "y/n? What are you doing here?"

"She's homeless," Flame Boy said.

"What!? You have to stay for the night! At least one."

I started to shake my head, but the librarian whispered softly in my ear, "Just say yes. The boys'll track you down anyway and drag you into the house if you have to."

I sighed and nodded.

The house was a house. I didn't even notice most of it because I wanted to preserve their privacy, and also I was just tired. I started when the librarian spoke. "So where do you want to sleep?"

"I will be fine just sleeping on the couch-"

"No, we can't allow that! You're our guest!" The brunette protested.

"I will be fine. My gratitude for your kindness."

"At least sleep in one of our rooms!" Dream said.

"Okay then, I will sleep in the bedroom of Dream, then." He seemed friendly, after all.

Karl made a sad face and went to his room as I followed Dream down a hallway and into a room. It was olive green. There were some pictures of his friends and him, and a picture of Techno. A small plastic diamond sword was sticking out of the photo, where his neck was. On the bed there was a uniform. It was a black polo shirt with black slacks and a lime green sweatshirt, one similar to the one he was wearing at the moment. "That's the uniform to Feral High School," Dream said, noting my interest. "Are you going there?"

I shrugged. "Perhaps."

Dream started to reply, but looked up as the door opened. "Oh, hey George."

"Who's this?"

I glanced toward the door and saw a boy with pale skin, blue and brown eyes in cyan pajamas.  There was a sort of tension in the air, and I wondered if it was just me or everyone else in the house could sense it.

"Are you guys brothers?" I asked.

"No!" Dream said indignantly. "Only surrogate. Why do you ask?"

"Oh, nothing," I replied quickly.

George raised an eyebrow in my direction. "Anyways, Dream, Dad says to go to bed."

Dream sighed. "Fine."

"Who are you, anyway?" George asked, turning toward me.

"I am called y/n. You are George, of course."

"Wait, how do you know that?" George raised his other eyebrow.

"And also, now that I think of it..." Dream lifted his head toward Techno's photo. He was wearing a white polo shirt, black slacks, and a red cape. "You're wearing the Sleepy High uniform."

"Did I hear Sleepy High?" Another person entered the room. Flame Boy. He was a ravenette with dark brown eyes that flickered with flames, a white shirt with a flame and checkered shoes. "Those guys are horrible. Did you hear the last time we fought against them? We got obliterated! And they rubbed it in our faces!"

He turned his attention toward me. "Hey mask girl. You don't come from Sleepy High, do you?"

I shrugged. "Your father has said that it is time for you to go to sleep. I suggest you do so, or he will come into this room."

George glanced at the hallway and started with surprise. Grabbing Sapnap's wrist, he said, "Wait, I hear him! Let's go, Sapnap!"

They ran. Dream turned to me. "You avoided the question, ya'know."

I shrugged. "I do not know."

"So you are." Dream opened the covers of his bed and pushed himself in it, turning off the lamp.

"I might. Anyway, go to sleep, Dream."

"If you are, then you're that new kid on the block. I think Sapnap encountered you once? Or twice?"


"Do you know Techno?"

"Who is he?"

"Valedictorian last year." Dream sighed and turned over. "I could've gotten that, but we had to fight for it and I lost. He's better than me." He sat up suddenly and stared at me, bright green eyes desperate. "Don't tell him I said that."

"Of course," I said. "Go to sleep dreaming about obliterating Techno."

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