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Dream had a window in his room. Rising from the floor, I pulled back the forest green curtains to let the silver moonlight in. Different view this time. Dream's room overlooked the street, yellow lamps illuminating the small, innocent houses, the midnight sky dappled with stars making a gorgeous backdrop.

I would've spent more time admiring the scenery, the quiet silence of the whole house, the whole calm atmosphere of the place. I had problems, unfortunately. 

First of all, I was legally adopted by the man I called Mr. Minecraft. That meant that he would look for me, and I would have to go back to that house eventually. 

Second of all, I had school things to worry about. How do you get registered in a school, anyway? I could ask the librarian about that.

And third- Wilbur, Techno, and Tommy were bound to be looking for me. What would I do when I came across them again? Where do my loyalties lie? Towards their enemies? Were the residents of this house just being nice to me to exploit me like a tool? Were they right?

I took a deep inhale to calm myself. Breathed out. Repeated.

After my rationality had returned, I returned to my troubling problems. I could send a letter to Mr. Minecraft and tell him that I was well and cared for (not giving the address), saying it was me, not them, and that I would talk to him if I needed anything. 

I could wait for the morning to speak to the librarian.

And I could just go to the other school and minimally interact with them. They haven't seen my mask before, right? Even if they did, they wouldn't remember that much. It didn't have any engraving or marking on it, so they would never know my identity. That was also tied in with the fact that I was adopted, so I had no genetic connection to any of them, making it harder for them to track me and for people to recognize me and connect me with them.

Exactly. That was the plan. Now I just had to wait for a few hours until it was daylight again and everyone was awake. 

It was established a long time ago that my family needed therapy. My parents, for instance. They were geniuses, yes, but they were fanatics, hung up on their research for about... 22 hours a day. Two hours for sleep, since that was important.

They never had time for me, so I practically raised myself. Until, of course, I revealed my power.

Deduction, for example. I could practically read people's minds, though it was just simple intuition and observance. But other things as well. Other things as well. 

Not gonna lie, it was bad. I was locked in a lab, in a cage like a guinea pig. I couldn't escape, since there were two things making me stay.

First, the cage, of course.

But secondly, my brother.

Let me just give you a tour of my family's heritage, first of all. My mother was a famous scientist and physicist, renowned for inventing growable wings. My father was a winged hybrid that had no empathy or compassion. 

With that disastrous combination, my brother and I were born. [idk whether this is grammatically correct or not.] My brother was unlucky, since he was born with wings. 

When he was born, he was immediately taken to the lab. I was only taken to the lab when I was three. I would've left a long time ago, if not for him. 

The day I killed my parents was the day my brother died. Taken from the cage next to mine to my father's lab to do an experiment when it went wrong, tragically.

Screams, which was normal, followed by breaking glass and explosions. The door to the lab swung open, revealing the room on the other side, which didn't exist anymore. Only ash and burned plastic.

 I had broken out of my cell immediately, looking for my brother. He was gone. 

"A casualty, nothing else," My father had said calmly, binding my hands back together. 

"Your father is right," My mother agreed.

My brother, a casualty? Not even a human being? Just a product of an experiment gone wrong? 

I could accept the fact that I wasn't meant to be born. But my brother, more human than I was, even with two appendages growing from his back? 

I don't remember what happened after that. Only the blood, and fire, and the fact that my parents' bodies lay at my feet. I was put into custody. I had a really good lawyer.

A couple months later, I was put in my first orphanage. Bouncing around homes, people not even giving me a chance. That also supported my first scientific deduction, why people are principally the same, in the end. 

[i have returned]

[I also have not proofread this]

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2023 ⏰

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