Chapter 12

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As that now as that closet now as that from brought inside now as that from to show up now as that none other than.

As that now as that closet now as that from brought inside now as that from to show up now as that none other than

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Rossweisse(Hello Danny my Hero😍)

Danny(So What's going on care to explain now as that from why we on in the closet of all things?)

Rossweisse(Sorry seems like a good place at the time and the truth is I just wanted to have some alone time with you)

Danny(Fair enough so what do you want to do?)

Rossweisse(Well)As she got closer and started unbuttoning her shirt revealing some cute pink lingerie.

Rossweisse(Well)As she got closer and started unbuttoning her shirt revealing some cute pink lingerie

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Rossweisse(I wanted to have a private lesson with you~ just you and me alone together)

She quietly made a soundproof barrier in the room and used her magic to place a magic lock on the door.


She started kissing Danny and wrapped her arms around his neck so he couldn't escape Danny wrapped his arms around her waist and he kissed her back they began to tongue kiss as they fell to the floor as they broke the kiss.

Rossweisse(Danny....I want more👅👅)

Rossweisse takes off her bra and continues making out with Danny in the supply closet she starts kissing and licking his neck as he gropes her chest up and down as she yells.

Rossweisse(Yes! Yes! Danny! Please don't stop! I'm loving this too much!)

Danny*Thoughts*(She's even more submissive than Irina-chan Irina you truly are the best Girlfriend/future wife/Wingman/Wingwoman that I could've ever asked for)

Rossweisse cups Danny's cheeks and starts kissing him again as she tries to talk while making out

Rossweisse(Mmmwah~Mmmmm~Mmphf Danny mmm~ I'm so glad Mmph~ that you're my lover, Mmph~ Mwah~)

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