Hazel - chapter eleven

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I hate to say it, but Madeline is the exact girl I would be into if it wasn't for Veronica. Smart, outspoken, bold, mean, and with a wicked sense of humor. She also recently dyed the tips of her blonde hair purple, making her look less stuck-up. She was openly bisexual, liked writing, and was a total nerd about true-crime shows and she even made her own pins.

This isn't to say I'm into her. I've only ever really liked one girl, and she's been my best friend for the last eleven years.

But Madeline is cooler than I thought she would be. If it weren't for our rivalry I'd have probably spent all of high school staring at her and imagining a version of me that could walk up to her and get her to be my friend.

We've been spending more and more time together, usually coming up with elaborate and ridiculous plans to ruin Elizabeth's life. It was fun, having someone who understands my hatred for the popular kids, and who was just as dramatic as I was about it.

But we also did other things together. I got Madeline to listen to the soundtrack of my favorite musical (Heathers) and in return, I read her original book about a boy with the ability to travel through mirrors. 

The story was surprisingly relatable for what appeared to be a kids' book. Yes, it was a simple story with a simple plot about finding the missing brother, but it explored isolation and hopelessness. I felt myself connect with the lead, even though he wasn't really a good person because he was relatable and I understood his pain. He wasn't a good character, but he felt human.

The story made me think about Madeline, a girl who I hated ever since she put bugs in my food in kindergarten, and about how she was just as much of a loner as me. How we were both victims of bullying at school, how we were both creative and how we were both alone.

Except that I wasn't alone until this year, I had Veronica. And Madeline had told me that she used to not be alone either, that she was friends with Elizabeth. That she had a crush on Elizabeth. And that she was heartbroken when Elizabeth told the school that my moms are lesbians. She stopped talking to her all together that day, worried about what Elizabeth would do if she found out Madeline was bisexual and had a crush on her. 

It was strangely comforting to find out that Madeline went through something similar to what I was going through. It was nice having someone I could vent to about everything. It was like Madeline and I were two sides of the same coin. A very lonely coin who's in love with it's best friend.

I don't know what I feel about my new acquaintance with Madeline, but I know that I'm glad I have someone in my corner. Yes, I wish that it was Veronica by my side, but I appreciate Madeline being there instead. 


IDK if this chapter is even good, but I like it anyway. Also, I think that a five-year-old Madeline putting bugs in Hazel's food is funny.

The story that Madeline wrote is based on an idea I had years ago that I might still do (I still have the draft for it)

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