Percy - chapter fourteen

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"She kissed you?!"

"Well I kissed her first, then I panicked, and then she kissed me," Betty explains, and I try to pay attention but I can't because Betty finally got together with Veronica! She's been crushing on the girl for months now and now they are finally dating officially. They're even going on a double date with Lizzy and Jason!

They offered me to come but I didn't want to be a fifth wheel on their date. I may be happy being single, but that doesn't make fifth-wheeling any less awkward for me. Also, the idea of watching them being all couple-y sounds uncomfortable.

That's not to say that I'm not happy for them, just that I'd rather not watch all the PDA. It's just not my thing. 

What is my thing is being happy for my friends and for them getting together, even if I get worried that they'll start to faze me out of the group, especially now that I'm the only single one. It won't be intentional, but over time there will be more and more double dates and couples-only events that I'll either tell them to go without me (because it'd be awkward if I was there), or that they'll not invite me to all together. 

And that does scare me, the idea of losing my friends. Because even though I make friends very easily, it's much harder for me to maintain those friendships. I struggle to keep in contact with people and to make time to see them. Add to that that this year everyone else is out dating, and the whole "having friends" thing becomes a lot more difficult. 

But I brush all those thoughts away. Betty, my best friend, is excited about something and I need to be there to be excited with her.

"I mean she kissed me!" Betty exclaims and then makes a squealing sound into a pillow. I can't help but smile, even as unwanted worry grows in me. I've known Betty since first grade, and she was always loud and excited. When she was happy, you started to be happy too. Her positivity was infectious. 

"Betty and Veronica sitting in a tree~" I sing jokengly, and Betty hits me with the pillow. She then jumps up and gives me a bear hug, lifting me off the couch and spinning me around. God, she's strong!

We keep spinning and laughing together for a few more minutes, and Betty tells me all about how Veronica kissed her and how she also started liking her while she was tutoring Betty, and how they planned to go on a date before the double date with Lizzy and Jason, just the two of them. They were going to go to the beach and have a picnic there. Betty excitedly told me about how Veronica was making cupcakes, asking if she should make something. I remind her of how we have a "Betty stays out of the kitchen" rule for a reason.

It was nice, talking with Betty, but I couldn't shake the horrible feeling of dread in my gut.

The feeling that this won't last.


New chapter is out! Thank you all the people who are reading this <3 There's ten more chapters left to go and I'm 14 pages into the script! Also, I noticed that this story is ranked at 381 of most popular so THANK YOU!!!!!

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