Betty- chapter twenty

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Hazel was in love with Veronica.

Hazel Brown was in love with Veronica Goldman.

Hazel, who's been best friends with Veronica for over a decade, loved Veronica, who I'm currently dating.

The voice in the back of my head tells me I should be mad, jealous, or worried about what Hazel's confession could do to Veronica and me, to our relationship. But I'm not. Not about Hazel loving Veronica. The two had known each other for years, and of course they loved each other. And Veronica is the most amazing person I've known. I completely understand why Hazel liked her in the way I do.

But I was worried. I was worried about how Hazel's confession would affect Veronica. How it will affect their friendship?

I know that the two girls' friendship means a lot to Veronica. She cares about Hazel, and she really does love her. I realized it on our date when she told me about Hazel as a kid. There was so much fondness in her voice, that I couldn't help the warmth building up in me.

I may be Veronica's girlfriend, but what Veronica had with Hazel was irreplaceable, and now Veronica was panicking over it, over Hazel's confession to her. Over what it meant about their friendship.

"What should I do?" Veronica asks me, refusing to look at me. The voice in the back of my head tries to tell me to convince Veronica to leave Hazel, to be happy with me.

But I know that'll hurt Veronica, and that's the last thing I want.

"You should talk to her," I say as I look into Veronica's eyes. I realize that her eyes are prettier than ever before.

"But what if- what if what we had- what if it's gone? What if it was never there to begin with? What if-"

"You love her," I interrupted because Veronica was spiraling and she needed to get back to earth. "She's your best friend and you love her. Maybe not in the same way she loves you, but that shouldn't matter. You two love each other and you're meant to be friends. You'd be hurting yourself more by ending your friendship, and you know that."

Veronica doesn't look at me, and I'm worried I said something wrong, but then she hugs me, and I know that everything will be okay. I know that Veronica will sort all this out, and I know I'll be at her side when she does.

"You need to talk to her," I say, even though it was obvious. Veronica nods into my shoulder.

"I sometimes wish nothing changed," Veronica begins to tell me. "Sometimes I wish I didn't change things by joining the cheer team. If I hadn't I'd probably be with Hazel now, still gushing about her play."

Veronica looks me in the eyes, and she smiles warmly.

"But then I think about how much I love my new friends. How much Lizzy, Jason, and Percy mean to me. How much I love having them in my life. And I think about you, and how much I love being with you. How I feel confident and brave and safe around you. How much I like spending time with you. I think about all that, and I realize how good change was for me."

Veronica pushes away from me.

"I think it's time mine and Hazel's friendship had a change."


People we're almost done! Three more plot-related chapters and an epilogue and then we're finished with this!

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