xii - A Proper Thief

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THEY REACHED DJERHOLM WITHOUT FURTHER INCIDENT. Two days after their run-in with the Grisha, their group reached the port city. Spring had started to show by then, the weather warmer and days slowly lengthening. Djerholm was as far from Ketterdam as it could get. The houses were packed in orderly lines, roofs painted pink and blue and red and yellow. And in the distance, stood atop a cliff overlooking the harbour, the Ice Court, white marble walls gleaming like melting ice.

"Cannons." Jesper said, staring at the guns pointed at the harbour.

Kaz squinted. "I've broken into banks, werehouses, mansions, museums, vaults, a rare book library, and once the bedchamber of a visiting Kaelish diplomat whoes wife had a passion for emeralds, but I've never had a cannon shot at me."

Asra snorted. "Amateur."

They melted into the crowds easily. Preparations for Hringkälla were everywhere, wolf pendants hanging from everything, wreaths of ash trees, ribbons of Fjerdan silver. Wylan asked, and Nina explained the sacred ash tree that sat in the centre of the White Island.

"It's where the drüskelle gather for the listening ceremony." She said.

"Why is this the first I'm hearing if it?" Kaz asked.

Matthias tensed at the mention of his god. "The ash is sustained by the spirit of Djel. It's where we may best hear his voice."

"Not what I asked." Kaz said. "Why isn't it on our plans?"

"Because it's the holiest place in all of Fjerda and not essential to our mission."

"I say what's essential. Anything else you decided to leave out in your great wisdom?" Kaz said, more a demand than ask.

Matthias turned away. "The Ice Court is a vast structure. I can't label every crack and corner."

"Then let's hope nothing is lurking in those corners."

Kaz led them through Djerholm into the most run-down, dreary inn Asra had ever seen, Gestinge. Paradise. Asra snorted to herself. The inn overlooked the entrance to the Ice Court, where the hill leading to it started, as did most of Djerholm. Nina secured a table for them on the inn's rooftop terrace and they sat to watch the Ice Court's outergate and first guardhouse. After a good while, a wagon rolled up.

Kaz handed Jesper a book.

"Are we going to read to each other?" Jesper asked, looking over the elaborate cover.

"Just flip it open to the back." Kaz said.

Jesper did as he was told. "So?"

"Hold it up so we don't have to look at your ugly face." Kaz instructed.

"My face had character." Jesper muttered, lifting the book. "Besides - oh!"

"An excellent read, isn't it?"

"Who knew I had a taste for literature?"

They passed the book around. Asra's turn came and she casually held the book up to her face. Hidden inside that elaborate and thick cover was a long glass, giving her a perfect view of the wagon and guardhouse. "I love reading. I ever mention that?"

She passed the book to Inej. "Clever." She said, peering through the long glass. "Four guards."

"They're the first line of defense." Matthias said. "They'll check paperwork and confirm identities, flag anyone they think requires closer scrutiny. By this time tomorrow the line going through the gates will be full of Hringkälla guests and backed up all the way to the gorge."

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