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(I actually made that, except used reference photo for spring Bonny and copied it, moving it a bit for pose. Colored everything else but his line work, so yay, I'm not dumb!)

I was currently laying my head on the table, arms wrapping around it. I groaned at my woozy headache and stomach full of candy. For me, eating large amounts of candy will make me very... well.. to be exact, I'll act drunk. 

"Is Y/n dead mommy?" Maggie asked, her sweet voice gilding through the air. 

My mother chuckled and waved her off.

"No Mag, you know how she gets with candy." 

Maggie said 'ohhhh' and then walked off. My mom looked over at me with concern and motherly love. 

"You gonna be okay if I leave for a second? I'm gonna go watch of Maggie."

I lifted my head for a second and smiled slightly, nodding. She got up and then left, going to find where my sister scurried off to now.

I rested my head back down and sighed. I should probably get up, and so that's what I did. I lifted myself up and sat up straight. Needing to go to the restroom, I stood up from my seat, walking to the hall that had the sign where the restrooms would be. 

I made my way down the hall and entered the girl's restroom. I did my duty and washed my hands, walking back out into the halls. 

As I did, I saw that same brown haired kid. Gabriel, I believe his name is. Yeah, I'm pretty sure. He was just standing there. I walked over to him and he looked up towards me.

"Hey bud, whatcha doing just standing here all alone?" I questioned, slightly concerned. He shouldn't be all alone, he should be with his mom or friends in the main party room. 

He shrugged his shoulders. Hm, not much of a talker then.

I lent my hand down to him, gesturing him to take it.

"How about we find your mom, hm?"

He nodded slightly and grabbed onto my hand. I walked him out of the hall and to the main room. But, a little rabbit saw you taking him before you disappeared behind the walls.

He had plans with that kid. You messed it up.

I continued to walk around the room, kids around me and grease smelling pizza filling the air.

Feeling a tug on my hand, Gabriel dragged me over to a table. I looked over and saw a slightly panicked mother that I met earlier. It was his mother, and when she caught sight of him, she ran to him and embraced her son.

I let go of his hand and just stood there. 

"Oh my sweet boy, where were you! My goodness!"

I was about to walk away, but she reached out to me, gripping my wrist.

"Wait! I remember you. Thank you for finding him, I didn't know he was gone at all until a second ago."

I nodded slightly.

"Of course, it's no problem at all."

She smiled at me and let me go, so I walked away and made my way to the table again, laying my head down again. I faced my head to the stage and tilted it, seeing the robotic animatronics were back on stage once more. 

I watched for a while, but then fell asleep. My candy crush was wearing off slowly now.

I don't know how long I slept, but when I woke, Maggie was doing presents at the table.

"Wake up sleepy face." My mother nudged me gently, motioning me awake.

I sat up and looked around, regaining my surroundings. Maggie was going through presents, her friends around her watching as she opened their presents gifted to her.

Maggie thanked them all each and then got to my present. She dug through the pink bag and took out the blue paper, eager to find the new toy.

Once she got to it, she flung it from the bag and held it up high for others to see. Her eyes sparkled and a unforgettable smile plastered her small face. Maggie looked over to me and tackled me in a hug, the craft toy on the table where she let go of it.

"Thank you thank you!! Love you sissy!" 

I smiled at her and patted her head, hugging her back. 

She pulled back from my hug and examined her gifts. I took my phone out and took a few photos, and checked the time.


That meant it closes in 10 minutes. I could already see some people pack up and leave with their child following behind.

Time flew and a few minutes past without me noticing. My mom and sister stood up, waiting for me as the friends already left. Only a few people else were still remaining, including us.

"Come on, it's closing soon."

I stood up and stretched slightly. I began to walk to the entrance with them, still tired from my nap.

We exited and went to our own cars. I got in mine and started the engine, driving back home. I swear, I almost fell asleep again while driving. 

It was a fine drive, the sun slowly setting radiating sweet rays of orange and red. Today was.. a good day.

What A Surprise - Y!William Afton x  Y/n (FEM)Where stories live. Discover now