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I got to my house soon after I left, and opened the door to Xasa greeting me. I smiled and picked her up in my arms, closing the door as I did so.

My hand went to pet her as she purred in my arms, making me feel very happy and calm inside. 

"So Xasa.. what will it be today? Salmon or chicken?"

I set her down as I walked into my kitchen, going to the cabinet that had all the multiple varieties of cat food stored. Honestly, If I do say myself, I spoil the fuck out of that cat. 

I grabbed one chicken can and one salmon can. Walking over to Xasa at the end of my kitchen island, I set the two cans apart from each other on the floor.

Xasa was twirling around and brushing against the couch as I called her over to the cans. She tiptoed over with her tail held up high and stood in front of the two cans, looking at them carefully with her feline eyes.

After a moment, she finally moved from sitting and walked over to the salmon one. I picked both the cans back up and stored the chicken can away as I slid the salmon one on the counter with a cat bowl beside it.

I moved back to the kitchen island and grabbed a spoon from the drawer, opening the can and scooping the food out and onto the cat dish.

I threw the spoon into the sink to be washed who knows when, and then washed out the can, taking the label off and putting it into the recycling bin.

My hand went to the cat bowl and grabbed it. I walked to the end of the island when Xasa sat on the floor, waiting for her meal. 

I leaned down and set down the bowl of food, Xasa running over to it with delight. She munched away on the salmon cat food as I started to walk away into the hallways, going to my bedroom to sleep.

My hand reached to the door and I pushed it open slightly, walking to my closet and picking out a pair of pajamas. I took off my current clothes and threw them into the laundry basket, changing quickly into my warm and comfortable pajamas I picked out.

I smiled contently and snuggled into my pajamas, walking out of the closet and throwing myself onto the bed. 

My body turned around so I laid on my side as I grabbed the covers onto me, covering myself in the soft fabrics. 

I sighed and relaxed myself as I looked out the window at the moon, before slowly falling asleep. 

- - -  

When I woke up, I felt a presence on my leg and I opened my eyes to see Xasa. I smiled at her and pet between her soft ears, making her wake up and purr.

I started to shift around and sat up as Xasa got off me, hopping onto the floor and exiting my room.

I yawned as I stretched, feeling my joints crackle slightly. My feet turned to the edge of the bed and touched the cold hardwood flooring. 

I stood up and slowly made my way out of my room, to the kitchen. I fed Xasa, who had waited for me all that time, and then got myself some (cereal brand) cereal in my favorite cat paw bowl that I was gifted to last Christmas.

I walked over to my living room and sat down on the couch, flicking on the tv. I munched on my cereal as I watched the news, seeing local things that happened around here in Hurricane.

What A Surprise - Y!William Afton x  Y/n (FEM)Where stories live. Discover now