A New Adventure

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( It's been a couple of days since Team Prime was reunited. Since then, they have been trying to get accustomed to their new base. )

" ( Sits on the edge of the rail while looking at an emblem in his right hand). What does this emblem represent and why does it feel like I should know what it means?" Said Mathew as he looked at the emblem. " ( Notices Mathew looking down at the emblem in his hand and then walks over to him). Is something wrong Mathew, you've been looking at that ever since your mother gave it to you. " Said Arcee. " This symbol, it feels familiar to me, and yet I can't remember why. All my mom or June told me was that she found me in a  basket with this symbol in the steel basket that she had found me in a steel crib." Said Mathew. " Wait, so you're not June's child." Said Arcee. " Yeah, apparently she found my crib stranded in the middle of the forest during a camping trip." Said Mathew as  Optimus walked over to everyone. " Autobots, the decepticons are making a move to claim three more predacon fossils. We must not let them succeed. Autobots, roll out." Said Optimus as he and his autobots quickly ran through the groundbridge, not knowing that Miko had run through it with Mathew running after them.

(Meanwhile, up in space. A portal opens up above the planet with a ship coming out of the portal)

" So this is where Shepered sent their daughter. Now the question is, what time zone are we in?" Said a woman. " Remember Ambra, we need to grab Shepherd's kid and anyone else that is with him." Said another woman. " I know Areta, that's why the autobots with us coming as well.  We need to make it quick so that we can get back to our dimension." Said Areta. " Aren't you guys forgetting something? Cerberus wants her son just as much as we do. Something about them being one of the strongest biotic users out there." Said Athena. "That's why me, you, Holly, and  Ambra will be the team that grabs the young commander." Said Areta. " Sounds like a plan. ( Looks at the robots next to them). Causeway, it looks like your promise to Shepherd starts now. You, Blue Streak, and Elita are joining me, Holly, and Athena." Said Ambra. " Sounds like fun." Said  Causeway with a smile.

( Back with team Prime, they were currently in a battle against the decepticons and Mech)

" ( You will not take the core Megatron. Its power is too dangerous for anyone to wield." Said  Optimus. " That core will be mine Optimus.  Its power will make my army the most powerful force in the galaxy." Said  Megatron as he and Optimus clashed fist. " Forward men, capture the capsule. Its power will aid us in bringing the earth into a new world order." Said  Silas as he and a squad of his soldiers. " This is so awesome, I'm glad I didn't miss this. " Said  Miko as she watched the battle until Mathew pulled her back in order to dodge some gunfire. " ( Glares at  Miko).  HOW BOUT A LITTLE LESS YAPPING ABOUT HOW AWESOME THIS IS AND MORE WORRYING ABOUT HOW YOU WILL LIKE TO TELL THE TALE? ONE DAY YOU WILL GET EVERYONE KILLED MIKO, AND I HOPE I'M NOT THERE TO SEE SOMETHING LIKE THAT EVER HAPPEN! ( Spots  Silas making a move for the capsule). Now if you'll excuse me. I need to go stop Silas. ( Looks at  Fowler. " Fowler, eleven o'clock high. Silas and some of his men are making a run for the capsule. Let's go before he gets it." Said Mathew as he quickly ran after Silas. " Right behind you Matthew. ( Looks at Miko). You stay here and don't do anything stupid." Said  Fowler as he and a squad of soldiers ran after  Mathew.

( High up in the earth's atmosphere)

" Any sign of them yet? We should be getting close. Causeway's getting pretty antsy  in the hangar bay." Ambra. " Almost, the sensors are picking up residual biotic energy. Almost like it's dormant.  Shepherd must have really worked hard to make sure that their kid wasn't found." Said a woman as she stood on the captain's bridge of the ship. " Then that's where we're headed. Zero in on that signature. It has to be the kid. Get us as close as you can Karlon.  We have to make this quick. Said a woman " ( Presses a few buttons on her control panel). Um, mam. We may need to make it a tactical mission instead of a hit-and-run. That biotic signature we detected, it's somewhere in that battle between humans, Autobots, and Decepticons. Said Karlon. " ( Contacts the ground team). Holly,  the missions changed. We're dropping you into a firefight. The signature is somewhere within a battle." Said the woman as she sent a live video of the battle going on to the hangar bay main screen." That's no ordinary battle, that's a fight between Optimus Prime and a group of autobots against Megatron and his Decepticons. I can not wait to smash some con heads." Said Causeway.

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