A New Galaxy

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(It had been thirteen hours since Mathew and Arcee joined Holly and Causeway aboard their ship and traveled to the dimension of Mathew's true home. Since then, Holly had even introduced herself and two others on the ship as his three older sisters. Their names were Areta Shepard T'Soni and Lilei Shepard T'Soni and herself, Holly Shepard T'Soni. After greeting his older sisters. Mathew was introduced to the rest of the ship's crew. There he was told about how the ship had been meant for him and his sisters.  After meeting everyone on the ship, Mathew learned was called the Calimo. The crew set off in order to give Mathew and Arcee their first taste of fighting in his home dimension. Areta even set Mathew up with his own N7 armor. As for Arcee, she trained with Elita, Causeway, and Blue Streak. during this, she learned that while Elita, Blue Streak, and another Autoboot named Chromia.  Was brought to the dimension they labeled the effect dimension through a malfunctioning space bridge? Causeway was born in the Effect dimension)

( Elsewhere aboard a ship named the Normandy)

" So let me get this straight Shepard, Liara. You not only had three daughters, but a fourth child which is a son?" Asked a dark-haired woman in a dark blue outfit. " Yeah, the only difference is it we had to send our son away since my people intend to study him or try and force him to join our society. I will not allow them to subject my son to having to stay on my home world just because his Biotics are stronger than a normal Asari. " Said Liara. " You even told me that they were gonna try and use his biotics to create the strongest Justicar. ( Looks at the woman in blue). Another why we sent him away Ashely, was because Cerberus is after him. Keeping our daughters hidden and under the radar was easy. Because even though their biotics were close to being as strong as their brothers. His were a little bit more wild. So much so that we had to put him in his sister's shared room due to him unintentionally releasing his biotic power when not near someone that he feels comfortable with or a member of his family." Said Shepard.

( Commander Shepard)

( Commander Shepard)

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( Liara T'Soni)

" So you sent him away in order to keep him away from your people

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" So you sent him away in order to keep him away from your people. While also allowing his body to agust to his abilities. Have you checked in on them lately?" Said Ashely. " No, we tend to let them focus on their mission." Said Shepard. " So you haven't heard. The Calida has returned to our dimension. The Citadel contacted all ships to keep an eye out for the ship." Said Ashely which shocked Shepard and Liara. " What, they just came back from another dimension.  ( Looks at Liara). You don't think that Holly and her sisters would. " Said Shepard. " It would make sense,  Areta did tell us that she would be going on a personal mission with her sisters onboard their brother's ship.  We also have to take into account that time moves faster there than it does here due to the time dilation." Said Liara. " ( Looks up at the ceiling). Edi, how much of a time dilation do we have from our dimension and the one that Liara and isn't our son to?" Asked Shepard. " Given the day that you last dropped him off and the current time. Your son would have to be 17 reaching 18 by the current time difference. In short, your son is now 17 years old and is currently aboard the Calida as of right now." Said  EdI.

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