Yin and Yang/ Taking Back the Citadel

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(It has been a month since the attack on Thessia. Since then, word got out that the Asari people had begun to fight with an even greater resolve Due to the information of a light blue arc of energy destroying a swarm of reaper ships. Many say that they saw Mathew wielding his new sword and that he was the one who destroyed the reapers. Elsewhere Mathew, Arcee, and the crew of the Calida have been patrolling the different galaxies and taking out any Cerberus facilities they find. Currently, the Calida was flying alongside the Calimo and the Normandy while three Asari Light Cruisers flew right behind them)

" ( Looks at the digital form of  Shepard and Holly). So what exactly is going on mom? You wouldn't call me or the others if it wasn't important." Said Mathew. " I wanted to take you on a tour of the Citadel. That was until I received a transmission from a close ally named Thane. He says that the Citadel has been overrun with Cerberus Forces. ( Looks at  Holly). Holly, you, your sisters, Chromia, and Blue Streak need to assist our people with pushing back the Cerberus Forces.  ( Looks at Mathew). I'd like you to have the Asrai teams under you to assist with this. But that's all up to you." Said Shepard as an Asrai Commando appeared next to her.

" Commander Shepard, my name is Ta'sha.  We have overheard your conversation and have assigned the other Asrai cruisers to assist Commander Holly in forcing Cerberus Forces back. My team and Asri Commando leader. Rev'ra will assist Commander Darby. ( Looks at Mathew). Ready when you are Commander." Said Ta'sha. " Then it's settled. We'll see you down there Mathew, your team will rondevue with mine once we find out the situation down there." Said  Shepard as her hologram disappeared. " See you down there little bro." Said Holly as her hologram disappeared. " Commander, we'll follow your lead. My team and Rev'ra's will head down there when you do." Said Ta'sha as her hologram disappeared. "Alright team, let's get down there. Athena, Ambra, Causeway, Windblade, I'll see you in the hangar bay." Said Mathew as he left the com room. 

" ( Follows Mathew out of the com room while pressing a few buttons on a digital pad). Hey  Mathew, hold on a minute. I want to show you something that I found on the ship, follow me." Said Arcee as she and Mathew went to a hidden room across from the com room. " ( Looks around the room until he spots two pods with what seems to be two transmetal bodies within the pods). What are those?" Asked Mathew. " Techno Organic bodies. I had them aged up to that of an adult after I had found this room. All they need is for both you and me to place our hands on them. They've already got the needed military training from this world." Said Arcee. " When we activate them, what can I hope to expect from this?" Asked Mathew curiously. " They'll see us as their parents. They'll even go on missions with us. This will be fun since I was able to give myself a human form. Thanks to some help from Windblade and your mom Liara." Said Arcee. " Then let's welcome them to the world." Said Mathew as he placed his left hand on the Techno-organic while Arcee placed her right hand on the techno-organic pods one at a time which caused them to glow.

( As the Techno-organics began to shift and change into young women. One with dark brown long hair and the other with black long hair. As the light began to dim. A set of armor began to cover up the young women until they were covered in full sets of armor. Once that was done the young women began to open their eyes and then smiled at the sight of Mathew and Arcee)

" ( Smiles at both young women). Morning sleepy heads, I'm glad you could join us. From now on, we'll call you Natalie and you Loren. Welcome to the Calida." Said Arcee as she and Mathew backed up. " ( Gets out of the pod and then stands up in front of her parents). Glad to be here mom, dad. What's our first mission?" Asked Natalie." Yeah, I'm excited to see what we'll be doing first." Said  Loren. "You're with us and the other three members of our squad. Let's get a move on." Said Mathew as he, Arcee, Natalie, and  Loren ran to the hangar bay.

( Once in the hangar bay, Mathew and his team got in a shuttle and headed straight for the Citadel. Once there they arrived in the Citadel. The team quickly fought their way through the many different corridors while eliminating any Cerberus forces in their way. The group was then joined by Ta'sha and Rev'ra's teams)

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