Saving the Asari Homeworld

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( As the Calimo flies off in order to patrol the galaxies. Shepard and Liara are currently talking to Mathew and Arcee)  

" so you're my parents hu, well, it's nice to finally meet my mothers." Said Mathew. " You don't seem surprised to know that your parents are both women. This doesn't bother you?" Said  Liara. " Not really no. I mean there are similar things like this happening back in the dimension you dropped off at when I was little." Said  Mathew. " Mat's not the type of person to let things bother him. He tries to take it in stride if he can." Said Arcee. " However, you could answer one question for me." Said Mathew. "You're wondering why Cerberus were shooting a different round at you than they were at us. ( Watches Mathew nod his head). It's because of the energy you unleashed in the last mission if I can call it that. Your, biotics if you will. Are on a higher scale than a normal person or Asari. Asari are the race where your mother and your sisters, Lilei and  Areta come from. Their species has more genetic material for biotics than any other race. Yours, somehow are stronger and more highly dense than even the most powerful Asari" Said  Shepard. 

" So you're saying that my own half-kind will want to what? Keep me held on their home planet because of what I can do." Said Mathew. " They can try, I'll make it my mission to keep anyone that sees;s my partner as a tool away from him. Though that would also explain one thing." Said  Arcee as  Causeway walked into the room. " That would explain what Arcee?" Asked Causeway. " The Asari on the ship with us, I think her name was Ledias. I saw her speaking to a group of Asari on a digital terminal on my way here. I was gonna ignore it until I heard her bring up Mathew." Said Arcee. " Then they're already aware of his power. We'll need to be very careful with how we proceed from here on out." Said Shepard. " That may be a problem commander,  we've just received word that the Asari home word is under attack by the reapers. The Calimo was also seen headed in that direction when it left. "Said Causeway. " Then we better get a move on.  But first, Arcee, Mathew. I don't know if you've had a proper introduction but, this is Causeway. She was tasked with being Mathew's guardian when he returned home. Which means you now share that job with her Arcee." Said  Liara.

" That's fine with me, it'll be nice to have some extra Autobot backup." Said Arcee. "That's good, for now. You two rest up and we'll meet you there. ( Contacts Ashely). Ashely, we're heading back to the Normandy. ( Looks at Mathew). Your actual team will meet you in the hangar bay when you reach my home world. We'll also have another team formed to work in conjunction with yours just to be safe. ( Gives Mathew a hug with  Shepard joining in). We'll meet you at my home world. Until then, get some rest Mathew." Liara as she and  Shepard left the Lounge room as Causeway sat across from Arcee.

 ( Ten hours later)

" ( Walks to the bridge and then crosses his arms as Arcee and  Causeway walk behind him). What's the situation on the ground Karolin?" Asked Mathew. " The Asari are taking a major pounding down on the ground. Your sisters are already on the ground and your mothers are on their way down as well. We can have you down there before your mothers get there.  We have a mission to assist your mother's squad in locating a relic." Said  Karolin. " Good,  I'm heading down to the hangar bay. Keep the ship in orbit unless I call you." Said  Mathew as his armor activated and covered him as he headed toward the hangar bay with Arcee and Causeway walking behind him. " I still find it cool how your armor covers you on its own." Said Arcee as they reached the hangar where two women were waiting. " ( Spots Mathew,  Arcee, and  Causeway walking over to them and then stood up).  Hello commander, my name is Amber and this is Athena. We were tasked with accompanying you through all your future missions." Said Amber. 

" Glad to have you with us. We're heading to Thesia. Got a mission to assist with locating a relic on that planet." Said  Mathew as he, Arcee, and Causeway got into the shuttle where they saw a woman in the pilot seat. " Right with you commander, let's move out Athena. ( Gets into the shuttle with Athena following right behind her). We're in, let's get a move on Molsa. " Said Athena as the shuttle bay door closed behind her. " You got it Ashely, and commander. Just a heads up. The Asari Council member knows we're here, she's notified all Asari commandos to keep an eye out for you." Said  Molsa as she flew the shuttle out of the Calida's hangar bay. " Why is that? What did she say?" Asked Mathew. " In short any Asari squad that locates you is to assist you with anything that you may need. She's even assigned two Asari squads to join us on the Calida. One commando unit and the other a spec ops unit. In other words.  your use of your biotics both before you came here and after. Has intrigued her to the point she has assigned two Asri Destroyer class ships and three Asri light cruisers. Seems like she's taken your skills extremely seriously.  We're coming up on Thesia now by the way." Said  Molsa. 

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