
36 3 3

Italics- flashback
Normal- present


Seungmin closes the door behind him and turns to the man in the hallway.

"You're lucky that we're related or else I would have dragged you into that room with him." He said looking at his cousin who was leaning against the wall with a smirk.

Taehyung pushed himself away from the wall and walked towards him in a white hoodie and black sweats.

"That's a very nice way to say hello."

Seungmin started walking towards a room at the end of the hall, feeling a headache coming. His cousin only ever came to him personally when he had bad news to tell him.

He opened the door to his office and sat down, reaching inside his desk for a towel to clean his hands from the filth he had touched.

"I found her."

He immediately stopped what he was doing and looked up.

Taehyung wasn't one to joke around much with issues like these, even now his expression stayed serious and stoic. That was why he was the only member of his family bloodline that he trusted wholeheartedly. Seungmin treated him like his own brother even if Taehyung was older. But he couldn't help but ask for reassurance.

"Are you sure?"

"Have I ever been wrong?" He asks quirking an eyebrow.

Seungmin got up and started walking out the door, but stopped when he heard Taehyung speak.

"Not so fast, I may have found where she's at but it's not gonna be easy to get in."

"Why is that?"

Taehyung stayed quiet before turning to look at Seungmin in the eye.

"She's at your dad's place."


Hyunjin looked out the window of the bus as it rained. He looked down at the bag of medicine in his hands and tightened his hold on them as he remembered what the doctor said.

"She won't last any longer with the medicine. She needs professional help, there's a doctor in America that specializes-"

"I don't have the money for that."

"Then she won't make it, Hyunjin. I know she's your sister and you love her dearly but she's in really bad condition. Just think about my offer, when your ready, tell me your decision."

Hyunjin felt something hit the bag and realized it was a tear drop. He sighed and saw his stop was coming up. He wiped his eyes and put the hood of his hoodie up so he wouldn't get drenched in the rain.

Once he was off the bus, he made his way home, stuffing the medicine inside his hoodie.

The rain had stopped when he reached his front door. As he went to unlock it he heard glass breaking from his neighbors house.

His neighbors were an old couple in their late fifties who always went away for trips whenever they got the chance too. Their son lived with them even though he was old enough to already have a family.

Hyunjin never liked the guy, he would sometimes see him in alleyways giving drugs to kids who weren't older than fourteen.

He didn't want to get involved with whatever it was that was going on there, so he was about to enter his house when he heard a gunshot coming form the house.

Hyunjin jumped at the sound making him drop his keys on the ground along with the medicine he was holding in the other hand.

He went to pick up the medicine and his keys when he heard more shots ring out. He picked up the medicine bag and decided to leave his keys behind.

His closed the door behind him and saw the house had all the lights off. He exhaled in relief that he remembered to turn them off when he left.

His sister's well being snapped him back to reality and he made a run for the stairs.


Hyunjin had just reached the first step of the stairs when he heard the window in the kitchen shatter down the hall.

He froze.

The sound of footsteps and grunts of pain could be heard. Hyunjin crouched down, his lips were pressed together tightly to not make a sound.

Hyunjin eyed the upstairs room where his sister was currently at and hoped she wouldn't wake. She doesn't have the strength to walk without a wheel chair but he still hoped that whatever was happening would end soon.

He went to pull his phone out and call the cops when he felt something cold touch the back of his head followed by the sound of a click.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."


a/n: :⁠0

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