
14 4 1

"One cup of milk...ok, then 2 eggs? No 3 eggs. Whoo, that was close...then..."

"What are you doing?"


The egg Taehyung was holding, fell to the ground and cracked open, getting yolk on the bottom of his sweats and a few droplets on Seungmins slippers.

"Aww man, I just got these pants. Why did you sneak up on me like that?!" Taehyung glared over at his cousin.

Seungmin scoffed before heading to grab a towel, wetting the fabric under the faucet.

"I didn't sneak up on you, I was literally opening the refrigerator that is right behind you. You just were too lost in your own little world to notice."

Seungmin cleaned up the last few pieces of eggshells off the ground before throwing it in the trash.

"Besides, an hour ago I was told you wanted to see me and that it was urgent. But here I am having waited enough to shower and freshen up." Seungmin said turning to face his handsome relative.

Taehyung sheepishly smiles. "I heard Yeji liked pancakes, so I tried to make it. I would have made the best pancakes if you hadn't interrupted me."

Seungmin looks over at the bowl of said great pancake mix. Is that an egg shell?

"Mhmm. Look I don't care what you were  doing— or at least trying to do. What were you going to tell me?" Seungmin asked leaving against the kitchen counter with his arms crossed.

"Right, about that." Taehyung's face morphed into one of seriousness.

"Did Soyeon tell you? So you now understand why we kidnapped them both?"

"She mentioned the importance of the girl but I don't see why we need her brother, he is of no use to us."

"So she refused to tell you that part huh? Well, I can see why, is not exactly something you would want to hear." Taehyung muttered.

"What?" Seungmin asked with his eyebrows raised.

"Nothing! It's just that the girl could help us with making alliances and other important stuff including your dad."

"We're not getting into this conversation, Taehyung." Seungmin said with a finality to his voice.

Taehyung sighs, knowing Seungmin's dad was always a touchy subject.

"Look, you might not know it but that girl and her brother are a weapon that you will want to use of you want to take down your narcissistic dad." Taehyung says while mixing his batter.

"I know what your trying to say but— ummm...you're still going to bake that?" Seungmin says in disgust as his cousin pours the batter onto a pan.

"What? I think it looks great, look it's a perfect circle!" He exclaims as the pancake take the form of a 3 sided circle.

Seungmin shakes his head, wondering how Taehyung is so smart but not all there sometimes.

"Just know Yeji would never eat that."

"What would I never eat?" Yeji walks in right as Seungmin mentioned her.

Taehyung was taking out the pancake and jumped, dropping the treat on the ground as he heard Yeji's voice behind him.

"YEJI! What brings you here??" He asks while trying to lean on the counter but then knocking stuff over in the process.

Seungmin muffled his laughs and excused himself to check on Hyunjin.

"Good luck, cousin." He said on his way out.

"Wait—" but Seungmin was already gone.

He looked over at Yeji and smiled awkwardly. She smiled and peered over the bowl.

"Wow! That's...well, looks...great." she said trying to make conversation.


"I cannot breathe, without you being right by my side... I'll die," he said humming his favorite tune, to pass time.

"So can you please—"

"Cut it out."

The voice over the speakers was back. And Hyunjin couldn't have been happier, note the sarcasm? Hyunjin scoffed before speaking.

"What if I don't want to? I mean you really can't make me." Hyunjin wasn't going to be pushed around anymore.

"The gun in my hand says different."

Hyunjin gasps mockingly then smiles at the camera and winks.

"How about this: you let me out to use the bathroom, because I really have to go and I'll keep my mouth shut or you can continue listening to my amazing vocal skills. Which is it gonna be, Mr. Mafia?" Hyunjin says quirking and eyebrow.

There was silence for a few seconds.


Hyunjin saw as the door in front of him opened and there standing, in all good glory, was his captor.

His dark hair was somewhat disheveled, as if he had ran his hand through his hair multiple times. He was in sweats and a dark hoodie, in one of his hand was the gun he was talking about earlier and the other was shoved in his pants pocket.

Seungmin signed, muttering under his breath something hyunjin couldn't quite catch.

"Do anything stupid and I'll shoot you, understood?" He said pointing the weapon at him.

Hyunjin nodded rapidly.


"Yes, Mr. Mafia." Hyunjin said with some sass in his voice.

"Good." He said.

Such a late update, hope it was ok

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