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"What were you thinking?!" Seungmin screamed at Jongseob who was in his room, calmly typing away at his computer.

"Unlike you, I am not a mafia leader, just a kid trying to get through school and graduate. He obviously looked like he was dehydrated." He said looking up at his brother.

"And it doesn't take a genius to figure out that if you hold someone hostage you need them alive to question them."

Seungmin rubbed his temples, feeling a headache begin. I must have broken a record for how many headaches I get.

"Seungmin, Taehyung is in your office and would like to speak to you."

I turn to see Keeho there and thank him for the information.

Seungmin then turned to Yeji who was standing on the opposite side of the big room.

"Ask Theo if he has any new leads on the background of our prisoner and his sister."

Yeni nods and leaves. Seungmin turns to Jongseob whose face is illuminated by the light of the computer.

"His name is Hyunjin, not prisoner. At least have some decency to call them by their name."

Seungmin ignored his younger brother to prevent arguing with him.

"I know you dont like the job I have to do but one day, wheather you like it or not, you're going to have to do it as well."

Jongseob scowls, muttering under his breath.

"I will never be like you."

And I hope you never be.

Seungmin thought as he left the room.


Theo is looking I to the backgrounds of the Hwang siblings but find nothing out of the ordinary.

Their prents dies in a crash when Hyunjin was still in high school and then his sister was diagnosed, which led him to have to take care of her ever since.

But there's something that he just can't understand.

The night that his parents died, the driver that hit them wasn't accounted at the scene. Not only that but guests at the convention they went to, reported that they had left hours before the crash.

So if they had left hours before the accident, they must have stopped somewhere before dying. But the question is where?

Just as Theo had discovered something, Yeji walls into the room.

"Any leads or information that could help us?"

"Yes actually. I was looking to see how their parents died and found out that hours before they died they had made a stop somewhere."

"Do you know where?" Yeji asked.

They shook his head at her. "I could figure that out of by checking the car's built in GPS but if they were murdered then the killers would most likely have gotten rid of it."

Yeji nodded and thanked him for the info. She was on her way to the door when Theo stopped her.

"There's one more thing and I don't think the bos would be too happy with it." Theo said with a look of worry.

"What is it? Spit it out." Yeji said when she saw him hesitating.

"I ran their DNA and identities to see if they were related to anyone of importance to us and found nothing at first."

Theo got up and started pacing.

"Upon closer inspection I found out that they had a long distance family. I double checked then triple checked but I wasn't seeing things they truly were related."

"Who Theo?" Yeji asked, her voice sounding impatient.

Theo stopped pacing and then looked at her.

"The Lee family."


Ever Since || ♡*Seungjin*♡Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon