
17 5 0

Hyunjin was standing in the middle of a garden. He squinted his eyes at the rays of sun beamed down on him.

Where am I? What is this place?

He looked around and then heard the sound of children laughing. He walked in the direction of the noise when he found two small children playing hide and seek with each other.

One had fluffy, brown hair that fell into his eyes and the other had shiny black hair that was just as long as the other but he was taller.

"Count to 10, I bet you won't find me this time." The black haired boy said smiling.

"I WILL find you jinnie!" The other said with a giggle.

He turned around and started counting while the other hid behind a bush nearby. He waited as the little boy stopped counting down to zero.

The small child lifted his face and started looking around for the brunette, not having any luck so far. Then from behind his hiding spot, popped out the boy and screamed, scaring his friend. Hyunjin watched as the taller kid shrieked and then pouted after finding out he was pranked.

"Jinnie! You were supposed to wait until I found you!" He said stomping his feet.

Hyunjin watched as they played over and over again having so much energy to waste at a young age. He smiled watching them until a woman who resembled a lot like the shorter boy, came into view with a sad look. The two playing spotted her and the little prankster from earlier, ran to her.

"MOMMY!!" He said running to her and hugging her legs. The other stood by and watched silently, looking behind her hoping to see someone else with her as well, but that person never came.

Hyunjin saw as the expectant boy walked to the other kids mom and tugged on her dress slightly to get her attention.

"Excuse me Mrs. Kim, but where is my mommy?" He said politely, shocking hyunjin slightly with his manners.

The woman looked at him, and Hyunjin saw as she kneeled down and hugged him while tears ran down her face silently.

"I'm so sorry, Hyunjin. But your mom won't be coming back." She says grabbing him tightly. Her son looked at his mom confused.

Hyunjin froze up. Did she say hyunjin?

"Will she be coming to pick him up tomorrow?" The little boy asked tilting his head in hopes of getting the answer right.

She turns around and makes them stand shoulder to shoulder. She shakes her head slowly.

"No, baby. She isn't coming back at all. She got in a really bad accident and the doctors couldn't save her in time. She's gone." She says, dreading saying those words aloud.

Is this a memory from the past? That can't be!

Hyunjin slowly moved closer to them anxious as to what would happen next. He saw as mini him stood quietly, in the same spot, not saying a word. He then lifted his head with tears on his small, chubby cheeks.

"Is my mommy dead, Mrs. Kim?" He said between stiffled sobs. He looked broken, as if already knowing the answer.

Hyunjin watched as everything around startd spinning. What is this? Why doesn't he remember this happening? What does this mean?

He felt the area around him go darker and darker, until it fell black and his eyes opened with a startle. He looked around him, taking in the new setting he was in. He was in a brightly lit, white room. The color of it hurting his eyes and the back of his head.

Was that a dream? Why did it feel so real?

So many questions but nobody to answer them. He tried to reach up and rud his temples, only to realize that they were cuffed behind his back as he sat in a chair.

"What the..." He heard as the door handle rattled before it opened, revealing a kid who didn't look older than 18, entering the room. He was carrying a glass of water with him and headphones wrapped around his neck.

He got closer to hyunjin and without saying anything brought the cup to his lips, letting it rest there. He didn't force him to drink, he waited patiently till Hyunjin opens his mouth slightly and felt the cool temperature of the liquid touch his tongue.

After his thirst was satisfied, the kid set the cup on the ground and sat with his knees drawn up to his chest. He looked at Hyunjin, inspecting him before speaking.

"You're very pretty." He said in an almost awed voice.

Hyunjin was taken aback at the sudden compliment, not expecting that at all.

" Uh...thank you, I guess. Who are you?" He asked forgetting he was still inside a room in who knows where.

"My name is-" before he could finish a loud female voice sounded through a hidden intercom in the room.


The kid, who in guessing is Jongseob, groans and lifts himself from the ground.

"I'm not doing anything wrong, I came to give him water because you guys decided that dehydrating him was going to make a difference to him talking."

"Jongseob, I won't say it again, leave the room now."

This time it was a male voice speaking. It was a cold and commanding tone that would have made anyone shot their pants and run the other direction, including myself. But to this kid it made no difference.

"But hyung-" Jongseob protested.

"I won't repeat myself, Kim Jongseob, you're testing my patience as it is already."

He said with a final tone that made him get up, taking the water with him. He looked back at me before leaving giving me a two figure salute.

A few moments later the same guy that injected me with the sedative came in to do the same thing again. I struggled with the cuffs but it was no point. He felt the guy's rough hand tilt his neck to expose it more, feeling the sting again.

Damn this shit sucks.

UPDATED!!! Took me longer this time cause I have a pile of homework that I had to turn in and deadlines to meet. I'll try to update more I the future but with me being a senior about to graduate I can't promise I'll do it as often as I want to. Hope this was good enough for an update tho! See you soon!!!

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