11 ; Actor

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It was October 2nd, and Chan's 25th birthday is tomorrow. I checked on some things and Chan had told stays that his birthday live would be at 1pm tomorrow, which meant I had to deliver his present before I head to set tomorrow. I had gone out of my way to buy some extra things to put in his little basket.

It was a weaved basket with a handle so it was easier to carry, and I had folded up a jumper in there at the bottom nicely so that the things that sat on top weren't at risk of falling. I placed some black roses at the side of the basket, because I wasn't actually to sure on his favourite flowers but they were super pretty. Next to the flowers were some chocolates and sweets, but also some expensive coffee packs. I don't know if he drinks coffee but I thought I'd put them in.

I also snuck in some skincare products just for something to fill in the basket. On top of everything was two letters. The one I had wrote containing my feelings.

Channie Hyung,

I find it absolutely crazy and sudden that I'm writing such a letter, a letter dedicated to just one person. I'm also not very romantic although I like to think I am, so this letter is going to be more direct and for that, I should apologise in advance.

I like you.

It's direct, I know. I'm sorry for being such a way. I also know it's only been a short time we've known each other, but the feelings were almost immediate. The way I saw you was something that made me feel incredibly weird. The butterflies became real, and the flush on my cheeks was terrible. I even questioned if they meant something romantic at first, but now I'm sure that my body was telling me something.

Whenever I think of you, I accidently start picturing something more. You probably don't think of me the same way, but I'm determined to show you a side of me no one has seen before. Please give me a chance. 

Once you receive this letter, I'll be working on set so take all the time you need to think it over and get back to me. Chan, I'm sorry for being so direct and demanding but I'll only leave you alone if you truly don't like me after we go out together. 

I guess that's just the nature of a baby going after someone older ;)

Love, Rain-ah.

That was the letter describing my feelings, and I could only hope he read this with an open heart and mind. The other letter was labelled 'lyrics' for easy access, and perhaps if he read the lyrics first then he would have an open heart and understand my feelings better. I had spent the remaining past days of my life sitting by the fireplace to write some more, and catch up on some energy after working on set all day. These lyrics had become so important.

I really put a lot of effort into the present. I wanted to be back in his good books, and have this weird tension between us put to rest. I also needed to prepare a date, it would be unlikely, but what if he actually accepts? Where would I take him?

An amusement park? That doesnt really seem like Chan. A cafe? No, that would be weird if we get pictured. A museum? That could be cool.

If Chan actually accepts, then, I'll get input from him. I could cater the date in his favour by doing something he actually likes, and maybe then I'll have more of a chance to convince him I'm good at doing romantic things, and then...then he can like me.

I walked to my bedroom in my apartment, and turned on some mood lights which help you sleep. I was far too nervous for tomorrow when I have to drop off the present. I got dressed for bed, and checked my phone. I had no important messages, just like every other night. I would see everyone tomorrow on set so So-Joon never really messaged.

Ji-won also never messaged, if she did, it was always the group chat which contained the director too. She was a sweet sunbaenim, and in the next few weeks we would be spending a lot more time together on set. Some romantic scenes with my character and hers were coming up. I wasn't nervous for the scenes, but I was nervous for how Chan might feel about it if we ended up together in the long run.

I wanted to message him happy birthday since it had just turned midnight, but I decided to not do it just in case he didn't want to hear from me first. I set an alarm for 7am, and got into bed. I closed off my phone and set it on charge. I sighed, I could already tell tonight was going to be a bad night to sleep.


I woke up throughout the night sweating, and incredibly hot but I eventually made it to 7am. I was in a large jumper to block out the weird chill in the air and some sweaters as I would change on set later. I got into my car with the basket sitting in the passenger seat. I drove fairly slow as the traffic was bad at this time in the morning.

The JYPE building was more intimidating now that I wasn't welcomed here as I was before. I walked in confidently despite the awkwardness and walked to the tiny reception in the corner of the bottom floor. 

"Hello Korain-ssi, how can we help?" The same lady as the first time smiled at me and I smiled back.

"I'm just quickly dropping off Chan's present before he does his birthday live!" I said with a smile, hoping that the whole company wouldn't question my weird appearance. I wasn't sure if they knew that Chan and I had a little weird falling out.

"Of course. I'm sure the room is set up on the 5th floor this time, and on your right after the elevator." She said politely and I nodded and bowed before turning for the elevator.

I carried the basket onto the 5th floor, scared that I would bump into someone, especially Chan. I quietly peaked around corners when I needed to turn down a corridor, but eventually there was a door with a piece of paper taped to it.

'Chan birthday live session. 1pm filming.'

I peaked into the room through the glass pane in the door, and no one was inside, thankfully. I opened the door slowly and looked at the room. The backdrop was covered in birthday confetti, and some balloons. I saw a few presents and card on the table and in a corner by a few tripods. I set my basket down carefully, and readjusted a few things so it made it seem cleaner.

"Happy birthday Channie." I smiled.

Actor, 𝕭𝖆𝖓𝖌 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖓Where stories live. Discover now