14 ; Actor

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We stood together for a few more minutes, taking in the fresh wind of the night. It was slightly awkward still, but I think it was because both of us were just trying to take in the situation. I had confessed, and now both of us were open to the idea of going on a date to see if there was a possibility of us in the future.

I like the idea, of course, and I couldn't stop smiling. I was really excited to plan a date for next week. He would be busy all this week and next so I don't want to tire him out, but not many ideas were coming to my head besides what he suggested. I would have to sit down, and think about it properly in the comfort of my apartment.

"Hyung. I have to be up early tomorrow." I muttered, my feet hurting slightly from standing most of the day.

He turned to me quickly, "Sorry. I know I came unannounced." 

"Oh no. It was a nice surprise hyung. I just need to be up early tomorrow." I say and he smiles and nods.

"Me too. I have to prepare everyone for our new schedules." He explains as we move to get back into his car, "As much as I love having new comebacks, the schedules get so hectic."

"I thought you film a lot of interviews weeks before your comeback though?" I asked, confused on how he would be so busy.

It's the same for actors a lot of the time, interviewers and certain companies ask for interviews in time for the group's comeback. It gains money for the interviewers and new attention for the show or music. In Acting, companies reach out to certain people like Vogue asking if they need interviews in time for a show coming out. Sometimes after red carpet events, more interviews are filmed if there's time. 

"Well yeah, but then we have events and live shows to attend. Not to mention, we try to attend every music show...and there's a lot of them." He explained and I forgot about all the music shows.

"I forgot about the music shows." I muttered.

I hadn't attended any movie shows, I wasn't sure they were even a thing. I only know the big award shows which counter every art subject, music and acting involved. Perhaps there was movie shows, but maybe they weren't as abundant as music shows.

"Yeah, Hyunjinnie was a MC for Music Core, and now it's Lee Know." Chan smiles as we begin our decedent down the hill, and back into Seoul city.

"Oh! That's quite cool. I have yet to meet those two." I say, remembering that even though I'm working on a song with all of Stray Kids, I have only met 4 members.

"How about...after Friday's date, you come back to the studio with me?" He asks, and I look at him. He turns to me for a second before putting his eyes back on the road.

"Are you sure Hyung?" I asked, excitement at being invited back to the studio where we first met.

He chuckled, "Yeah, even if I hate the date you plan, we can still be friends."

I thought he was super kind to still consider being my friend despite acting impulsively on my feelings and putting him on the spot. It made me feel safe, and accepted. My feelings are new, and completely surrounded in naivety. Even I know it could've ended badly if Chan wasn't an accepting and kind person.

"So, Where do you live?" He asks, and hands me his phone, "Type it in, and I'll drop you off."

I get a hold of his phone, and open his GPS app. I type in my apartment address and I watch as his screen transforms to a map with the blue line directing him the right way to go. It started speaking in Korean, a robotic women saying the directions. Chan followed them silently, knowing where to go once she speaks.

"Oh, you live in a nice part of Seoul." Chan observed and I nodded with a grateful smile.

"Yeah, after my previous show had got big internationally, and then my hiatus happened, my manager helped me find this place." I said, remembering the first time seeing the empty apartment.

"Yeah?" Chan nodded along, "Is it nice inside?" 

"You can have a look when we get there." I said, and I saw on the GPS that it was 10 minutes away.

"Thank you, I already know it's way nicer than our dorms." Chan chuckled, and I looked at him.

"Your in dorms still? I might've thought after years, your company might let you live separately if you wanted." I say, kind of thinking that the older man is cute living with his best friends. At the same time, I kind of envied him.

He chuckled awkwardly, "I would but I think everyone likes living close together. I don't think we're ready to live separately."

"It must be nice though, living with some of your best friends." I say, since I've lived alone since I was 19.

Living alone can get pretty boring and repetitive, especially when you can't go outside much on an hiatus, but also because it's always the same space. The only person that would visit me often was my manager, and my parents live almost an hour away so they weren't over much to see me. Having someone just a door away in the same space must be refreshing and comfortable.

"I guess. It's just nice that we all get along. There hasn't been loads of fights in the past few years." Chan explained and I nodded.

"Oh, take a right here." I say to Chan as the GPS is taking a long way around. I reach over for his phone and end the journey so it doesnt lead him the wrong way.

"Is this it?" Chan asked as my large apartment building shows up on a corner road.

"Yes, there's a car park if you take a left here." I say and point to a pitch black garage, it takes you down a ramp and then the underground carpark has 4 floors.

We drive down to the first underground floor, and find a space quickly. I get out of the car, and show him to the elevator which is also in the underground garage. He follows me close, and we stand in the elevator together.

"What are you expecting hyung?" I ask, kind of giddy to have my first ever friend over.

"A mess." 

I am offended. If there's anything you should know, it's that I am not a messy person.

"Never." I scoffed.

Actor, 𝕭𝖆𝖓𝖌 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖓Where stories live. Discover now