51 ; Actor

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My doctor's appointment went really well. They sawed off my cast and did another x-ray to see the recovery of the bone. I was healing well, and they said they were ready to change my cast. It was a plastic and Velcro cast which I could take off to put pants and shoes on. I no longer needed a crutch as I could walk on the boot, and put more weight onto my ankle. 

My next appointment in the next few weeks would be the final one. To take the boot off, one last x-ray and then some physical therapy tips that I could do at home to keep my ankle safe, and make sure I do less damage in the long run.

Chan was with me for the whole morning, and I felt super grateful and super comforted when he was making sure everything was alright and even asking the doctors what he could do to help me out as well. It was Chan's job to make sure I was comfortable, and I could walk fine when walking to places. It was also Chan's job to always make sure I at least wear slippers with the boots on because the material can irritate normal skin.

"Only a few more weeks left..." Chan announced as he was driving us back to my apartment.

"I know!" I said with a smile, "And my face and the rest of my body is like...nearly all cleared up too."

"Yeah. Your eye is way better, swelling all down, bruises going." Chan said as he took a quick second look at me before turning back to the road.

"Are you staying tonight?" I asked him and placed my hand on his shoulder before massaging it lightly while he drove. His hand moved to my thigh.

"Mmmm, should I?" Chan thought out loud as he turned into my new street. I had talked to Chan about schedules after I go back to work, and we decided that we would have a lot of sleepovers now since I live closer to the JYPE building and Chan didn't have to wake up at 6 just to be on time.

"Yes, you should." I leaned over and kissed his cheek, they flushed after the touch of my lips. I smiled and teasingly squished his cheeks like he likes to do to me.

Chan smiled the whole way back. Once we were out of the car, he helped me get used to my new boot, and we made our way to my apartment. Recently I found out that my next-door neighbour had moved out, and I could play loud music on one side of my apartment till someone new moved in. 

A win is a win, and Chan's voice blasting throughout my bedroom was more of a win.

"What should we do today baby?" Chan asked, and I looked around in thought. 

It was Valentine in a month, and my foot would be all good to go by then. I had things somewhat planned. My foot would be fixed completely by the end of January, and then it was Valentine before I went back to acting for the show. In the middle of March, the trailer for my show would be announced and then my show would be available to watch in April on nearly all streaming platforms. During the 2 weeks I have free in February, I wanted to go somewhere.

"Are you free in the first few weeks of Feb jagiya?" I asked him as we sat down on my sofa, and turned the TV on.

"I'm not too sure, why? what are you planning?" Chan asked as he turned to me and leaned down to place his head on my shoulder. I could feel the light tickles of his kisses on my neck and collarbones.

"Should we go on holiday?" I asked him suddenly, and I watched his face for some sort of reaction.

"Where would we go raindrop?" He said, and I paused at the new nickname. It made me giggle, and peck his lips.

"I want to go to...Japan or...Australia." I told him, seeing what he would say if I said I wanted to go to his home country.

I had been thinking about it quite a lot, but Chan had met and made a good impression with my parents and some of my other family, he had proper relationships with them and I had yet to even know what his family was like. I kind of wanted to suggest going to his home country and meeting them, but only if he was up for it.

"Australia huh?" Chan tilted his head up, kissing my jaw and then my cheeks, "Why?"

"What if I wanted to meet your family?" I whispered down to him.

He stopped kissing my cheeks and then sat up to look at me properly. He looked at him, and I watched as his dark brown eyes flicked over my whole face. I flushed at the attention on my face and tried to look away. His hand on the bottom of my chin turned my head back his way, and he placed a soft kiss on my lips. 

"You know, if you meet my parents, I might have to marry you," Chan whispered with a smile, and my cheeks were definitely flushed now.

"Well...you...we were going to get married in the future anyway right?" I whispered back, nervous at the way Chan was admiring me.

"Well yeah...but if you meet my parents...I feel like I would get the urge to marry you right away." Chan chuckled and then started placing pecks on my lips every second.

"Tell me about your family," I asked him, and he sighed.

"No." He said, "Just kiss me already." 

I chuckled and pushed him back, "I want to know more about my boyfriend's family! I need to know if I meet them!" 

"Fine." He sighed like a kid, and then smiled, "My favorite family member is Berry."

"Berry? Is that like...your dog?" I asked him, I thought Berry in English was what you call certain fruits? There's no way he had a family member called Berry that was human...

He laughed, "Yeah, it's my dog. I have my parents at home obviously. I also have a younger sister and younger brother."

"Really? That's awesome!" I said, I would totally be besties with the both of them. I could feel it in my bones.

"Hannah is my sister, and then Lucas is the youngest," Chan said and I nodded along, happy that he had siblings since I didn't growing up.

"Are they in Australia?" I asked him, and he nodded. 

He stopped talking and I smiled at him. He wasted no time in going back to my lips and kissing them, instead of pushing him away, I brought him closer this time. Lips smacking, tongues touching. It was moving so fast, Chan was very passionate and I could never complain when he was feeling like this. 

His hands were moving, touching under clothes and teasing skin, and more. I was enjoying it too much, but I couldn't help but think about visiting Australia. I pulled back as he moved to my neck, and I bit my lips.

"So, can we go together?" I asked and he chuckled and nodded in my neck. 

I brought his face up and kissed him again. I guess I knew what Chan wanted to do tonight to pass the time...

Actor, 𝕭𝖆𝖓𝖌 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang