Chapter 2

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After unpacking her clothes, she decided to have a look around the school and maybe, hopefully run into the guy she saw earlier. She didn't know his name or him at all but yet she was drawn to him.

As Faith was walking down the dorm hall she couldn't help but notice the girl from earlier at the Monster High entrance.

"Hey, I know you" the girl said when she saw Faith "I'm Clawdeen Wolf" she introduce herself

"Faith.....Mikaelson" she told

"Nice to meet you Faith" Clawdeen said flashing her fangs has she smiled "Could you possible help me find my room? I'm a little lost" she ask

"I can but just reminder I'm new as well" Faith said. The girls walk around but could not find it, it was like her room didn't even exist. They tried to ask people for help but they just completely ignored the two girls. They saw a girl with green skin and light blue hair, wearing black glasses, she was about to walk pass them but Clawdeen stop the girl in her tracks.

"Excuse me how are we suppose to find our rooms? Did they send out an email by chance?" Clawdeen ask

"You don't find your room your room finds you. The school is alive" she said and than made a weird laugh trying to sound frighting to the girls but failed "Okay, that always gets the freshmen" she add

"Oh, I'm not a freshmen. Transfer student" Faith said clearing it up. Days before she came to Monster High all her paper work got sent over from the Bording school.

"Yeah, I'm sorry it's just you've got dirt in your teeth" Clawdeen pointed out making the girl use her finger to clean her teeth. "I'm Clawdeen Wolf and this is Faith" she add

"I'm Ghoulia" she said

"Hi, Ghoulia can you help us-" Faith was saying but Ghoulia cut her off

"Okay. School is alive, ask" she said and then walk off. Clawdeen took a breath in and out and then went and ask, next thing they knew the wall next to them open up, showing a another hallway.

After helping Clawdeen find her room and meeting Fraknie who was 15 days old and super sweet. After exchanging numbers with Clawdeen, Faith left to go explore the grounds like she originally planned. 30 minutes later Faith had ended up on what look like an old run down bridge of the sorts. This side was different than what she was use to. It was brighter, fresher, literally the air itself seemed fresher than the air back home. She didn't know how long she was there for but she didn't care, it was peaceful.

"See you found my spot" a male voice said. It was so peaceful here along with relaxing she didn't even realize that someone was walking up until they said something. She turn around to see it was the guy from earlier.

"Hi" she breath out

"Hi" he said back, walking closer until he was standing right in front of her.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know this was your spot or anyone's spot. I mean I can see why you like it, it's very quiet, peaceful, and along-" Faith was saying but he cut her off with a chuckle

"You're very cute when you ramble" he said. A dark deep blush appeared on Faith face and when he saw that the thought that went through his mind was 'I got her to blush. Yes! She's adorable'

"I'm Faith" she said sticking her hand out for him to shake.

"I'm Deuce" he said taking her hand in his. The moment they touch it was electricity and it felt like this skin was on fire. It was a flame that had been lit and both of them deep down never wanted it to be blown out. That's when voices pop into both of their heads.

'You've found him' the voice said in Faith's head

'You've found her' the voice said in Decue's head

Faith was the first to pull away and began looking around and then back at him, noticing a snake appearing out of his beanie

"Um....nice snake?" she said but it sounded more like a question to him

"Thanks. I'm Gorgan but don't worry they won't bite and I have strict rule of that and not turning people into stone. That's why I wear these special glasses" he said thinking that she might start running for the hills. Only had one girlfriend and just a few friends while everyone else is to afraid to talk to him.

"Cool. I've never meet a Gorgan before" she said with a smile

"Well then I'm honor to be your first" he said making her laugh

" was really nice to meet you Decue and I'm sorry again" Faith said and began to walk away but it was his voice that stop her

"Our spot" he said, getting her to turn back around just to see him smile

"What?" she questioned not fully understanding what he was saying

"You like this spot and so do I. It can be our spot, you know we can share it. If you want" he said

"I would like that. Our spot" she said

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