Chapter 7

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Clawdeen and Frankie looked at Faith in shock of hearing this type of news

"Yeah, that's a bit of a long story but short story my parents fake our death to protect us" Faith said and before Faith could say something else that's when Frankie let out a gasp

"You made that pimple appear on Cleo's nose" Frankie said

"No....yes, yes. Just please don't tell my dad. Vampires have been at war with centuries." Draulaura stated looking at Faith for back up on this information

"I wouldn't say war. Hate each other, yes. Kill one another if one had a chance, yes." Faith said "It's a very complicated relationship" she add

"See" Draulaura said pointing to Faith "He'd kill me if I wasn't undead." she add. Faith thinking that is a little too far but okay.

"Our lips are sealed" Clawdeen promised

"You can actually stitch mine shut if you'd like" Frankie said

Draulaura look shock that they would keep her secret but she was grateful. Clawdeen went straight away asking where Draulaura learn to do this. Draulaura went full into telling them and what she was doing out here.

"I can help you. Teach you some spells like my magic even teach you control." Faith said

"Really?!" Draulaura questioned as her eyes lit up to this

"Yes" Faith said giving her a smile

"Thanks. I would really like that, I could use the help" Draulaura said "Wait...what are you three doing out here?" she ask. Clawdeen drew blanks but then decided to come clean to why we were actually here. Then we walk back to the secure-looking-stone structure.

"So, you're half-human and you need to find a potion made by a dead half-monster scientist. That may or may not be in a secret lab behind that lock door, all before the Founder's Day dinner next week?" Draulaura said summing up everything

"Yep" Clawdeen said dragging out the 'P'

"Wow, you summed it up really nicely there, yeah." Frankie said. Faith look down at her phone to see the time and she wanted to get back before Deuce notice she was missing.

"Girl's as much as I love this, I've got to get back to my dorm" She said

"You mean back to Deuce" Clawdeen said with a smirk

"Shirtless Deuce who was sleeping in your bed when we went and got you" Frankie teased

"Nothing happen" Faith explained

"Yet" Draulaura said "I've known Deuce for awhile and I've never in my life seen him look at a girl the way he looks at you" she add making Faith smile and making Clawdeen and Frankie laugh

"Funny. Goodnight ladies and I'll see you in the morning" she said and left, heading back to her dorm.

Once she reach her dorm and walk in she saw Deuce wide awake pacing back and forth but look up when he heard the door open. Once he saw it was Faith, he rush right over to her pulling her into a tight hug, burying his face in her neck.

"Thank God" he muttered against her neck. He pull away but still kept his arms around her "I woke up and you weren't there. I thought maybe you were in the bathroom but it had been some time and you hadn't come back, so I look and you weren't there. I check the whole school Faith and you weren't here. I would have try to call or text but that's when I realized that I don't have your number" he add. She could see the fear and the worry in his eyes, written all over his face.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry you, honestly." she said cupping his face

"Where were you?" he ask

"I was with Clawdeen and Frankie and we happen to run into Draulaura" she answered "I...just...I...they needed my help with something. I didn't mean to worry you Deuce" she add

"I thought something happen to you" he said, placing a few strands of her hair behind her ear

"I promise to wake you up next time when I'm going out or leave a note" she promised

"There's going to be a next time" he teased making her smile

"Well, I hope there is" she said placing one her hands on his bare chest moving slow down his chest going straight to his abs and seeing the v line too. "I was hoping that maybe you could stay here every night. If I'm being honest I've slept better then I have in awhile" she add. His held on her waist got tighter pulling her back very much closer to him

"Same here and I would be more than happy to stay here every night with you next to me" he said looking down at her placing his forehead against hers keeping full eye contact but he couldn't help but look at her lips. Wondering how they would taste, how they would feel against hers. He duck down and press his lips against hers and she didn't even waste a second returning it back.

Wild fireworks explode when their lips met. The kiss was firm but passionate and it started to get very heated very fast. They couldn't help but smile against one another lips as they kissed. Deuce moved his hand under her thigh, lifting her up, wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck as he carried her over to the bed.

They pull apart both out of breath and that's the only thing you could hear in the room was their breathing, trying to catch their breath. Leaning his forehead against hers as he took a seat on the bed with her in his lap still having her legs wrap around him.

"You have no idea how much I wanted to do that" Deuce said

"I think I have a pretty good idea" Faith said opening her eyes just to see him already looking at her "And has much as I want to kiss you again, it's getting late and we should head back to bed" she add making him groan

"I hate that your right" he said getting her to giggle getting off his lap and settling down into the bed with him climbing in next to her as she cuddle into his chest "Tomorrow I'm taking you out on a date" he said

"And what if I say no" she joke looking up at him

"Alright then if you don't want to go on a date...I guess I could always ask someone-" he said but she cut him off with a growl

"Don't you dare" she said making him laugh

"Your very hot when you growl and I would never do that to you. I want you Faith, just you" he said and it was the truth

"Can I know what we are going to do?" she ask laying her head back down on his chest as he wrap his arms around her pulling her closer

"Nope" he said and with that he kiss her forehead as they both said goodnight as the darkness took over.

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