Chapter 13

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Faith felt broken once more the last time she felt like this was when her parents and uncle died but then that sadness disappear and was replaced with rage. Faith could smell everyone's sadness and fear and she could hear Clawdeen's heart beat pounding. That's when Clawdeen started to change into her human form

"I knew there was something about her" Cleo said. Faith got up and look to see her sister was stone as well. In that moment her blood was boiling, she was seeing red. Cleo had grab her and handed Faith her phone. "For Deuce" she said

"Oh my God! Love, friendship, sacrifice. This is all very touching. All my dad wanted was to stay here, where he thought he belonged, but everyone betrayed him. Just because his blood wasn't true enough. Well, it's vengeance time. So, if you'll excuse me" Komos said

"No" Faith said stepping in front of everyone "I get it, I really do. Me and my sister are the only ones of are kind and our whole life we have been told that we were not suppose to exist, to never be born, that we were nature's loophole in everything and because of that I have lost my parents. But new flash Komos we can't always get what we want. You doing this not going change anything." she add and then look back at Deuce then her sister and can't believe what she was about to say "So, this is what's going to happen, you can walk away and never come back. Leave unharmed. But if you don't .....well let's just say you'll live to regret it or not live at all. Choice is yours" she add hiding Cleo's phone behind her hand.

Komos just laugh at the girl trying to hide any fear that he had from the girl standing a few feet in front of him. He lift up his hand but nothing happen, he tried again and nothing happened

"I'm the most powerful creature ever to walk the earth and I forever will be. If black magic can't effect me, neither can you. You can't steal my power, no one can" she said

"Do you understand what kind of power I have?" he questioned and then showing off his glowing green eyes well Deuce glowing green eyes but Faith turn her head away with her eyes closed

"Yeah, I know exactly what powers you have" she said and then held up Cleo's phone showing it was still recording but now facing Komos "Smile" she add

"No" he said as he began to turn to stone "No, no. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!" He yelled as he complete turn to stone

"Don't mess with a Mikaelson" she said, a light blast came out of Komos and hit Hope, Darculaura, and Deuce.

"She's okay" Frankie shouted hugging Draculaura. Faith look over to see her sister was now un stoned and rush right over to her.

"You're okay" she said

"Thanks to you little sis" she said and pull away "You can take care of yourself" she add and then look over where Deuce laid as he gasp for air "Go get your man" she said pushing her little sister towards her.

"Deuce" Faith said rushing over to him and into his arms

"Thank God your okay" he whispered. They both pulled away as they leaned their forehead against one another

"I thought I lost you for a second there" she whispered 

"You can't get rid of me that easily" he said making her laugh. Faith knew this was it for her and he was it. And it seemed that Hope has already approved of him even though she has heard so much about him from Faith and also heard so much about her friends

"This way!" they heard someone shout and it was Bloodgood coming their way along with another man who happen to be Draculaura father. Once the two adults had reach them, Bloodgoods eyes landed on Clawdeen and she look shock

"Darculaura" her father shouted and ran to his daughter side pulling her into a hug.

"Headmistress Bloodgood, it was Mr. Komos, he-" Cleo was saying but Bloodgood but her off by waving her hand. Deuce held Faith while Hope walk other to her little sister and took her hand.

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