Chapter 5

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It was morning and Faith woke up with a smile on her face when she remembered last night. After Faith and Deuce little dance and lunch ended, they went to the rest of their class with Deuce walking Faith to the rest of them and finding out that they have the same ones which they honestly love. That night Deuce had walk her back to her dorm and said goodnight and kiss her on the cheek making Faith blush hard.

Faith was standing there next to Deuce and Heath just talking until the bell rang for first class. That was until her name along with Clawdeen's was called.

"Clawdeen Wolf and Faith Mikaelson to the principle office. Clawdeen Wolf and Faith Mikaelson to the principle office" the voice said over the loud speaker.

"Your last name is Mikaelson? Your a Mikaelson?" Deuce ask looking down at her. Faith could hear people whispering about her and she could hear what their saying and a lot of them were awful.

"I got to go Deuce. I'll find you later" she said not answering his questions as she jogged up to catch up with Clawdeen, who wrap and arm around Faith's arm as they both held their heads high and began walking towards the office.

The girls took a seat in front of Bloodgood desk as she took a sip of her coffee with a mug that says 'I hate Mondays'

"I hate Monday's too. So, early in the week" Clawdeen said breaking the silence in the room

"100% pure orgie bone, very rare. It was given to me by Joan of Are after her death of course. Which was on a Monday" Bloodgood said letting out a laugh and so did Clawdeen but Faith could tell Clawdeen's was fake a little force actually.

"Fascinating, truly. Is there a reason why we are here?" Faith ask not wanting to be here for very much longer

"Yes, right. I just wanted to welcome you two personally. Clawdeen your mother, well, a true monster heart if there ever was one. And Faith your family being the number one powerful family ever. I'm grateful to have you both here in my school. So, out of respect for your mother and your family. I would like to bestow upon you a great honor, Founder's Day is in a few weeks, the day we celebrate the opening of the school. When we liberated ourselves from the tyranny of human society. There's an annual dinner, very exclusive, for the schools most important and generous officers. And I've selected you two to be the students ambassador" Bloodgood informed them

"Really? Us?" Clawdeen questioned with a smile appearing on her face but not Faith she didn't like this one bit.

"Yes, many of the guest was friends of your mother and Fath's family" Bloodgood said

"I doubt that" Faith said "Thanks for the offer but my answer is no" she add and stood up grabbing her bag and left the room. With a very shock Clawdeen but Bloodgood has meet the Mikaelson's on multiple events, so she wasn't shock at all when Faith spoke her mind even if it was in a rude way, she wouldn't have expected any less coming from a Mikaelson. As Faith began walking to her next class when she got pulled into a closet. Her fight mode kick in and slam the person into the wall as the door closed behind her as she flash her wolf eyes and vampire fangs.

"Woah" the person said but she knew this voice,....Deuce. She let go of him immediately and began to apologize.

"I'm so sorry Deuce. If I knew it was you I would have never done that" she said as he flip on the light

"It's okay, Faith" he said with a chuckle "I could of went about this a whole different way" he add "But um...what are you? And your a Mikaelson, how?" he ask

"Look I wasn't really keeping it a secret but I know what my family has done and what I have done. People seeing us as evil, evil people. I know what you said yesterday and that meant so much because no one has ever said that at least not to me. As for what I am, I can't tell you" she said and walk out but Deuce had other plans, he grab her hand and took her to their spot but she didn't know that so on the way there she was just asking him where they were going.

"Why the hell did you drag me all the way out here?" she practically shouted. She could of pull away but there was a chance she could of hurt him and she didn't want to risk that....ever.

"Because here there aren't wondering ears that will listen in. So, it's just me and you" he said taking a seat and patted the seat next to him but she didn't take it. She just stood there with her arms cross against her chest. "In this very spot where you and I shook hands three words pop into my head but the thing was it wasn't my voice. 'You found her' is what it said and judging by the look on your face you know what I'm taking about, you heard it too." he add

"So, it doesn't mean anything Deuce" she lied. Faith didn't want to ruin Deuce life with the Mikaelson name. She seen it happen how other people judge them for just talking to a Mikaelson. She didn't want that for Deuce and it reminded her of that today on the way to Bloodgood's office.

"Doesn't mean anything? I think it does, I believe it does. Faith I don't care who your family is or what you are. The moment I saw you I knew that was it and then I saw you standing here and I was thinking here's my chance. I have known you for a little over 24 hours and yet you got me thinking about you every second, my heart starts to beat like there's no tomorrow. I know you hear that cause I saw the eyes and those were vampire fangs not werewolf but yet you have werewolf eyes." he said. He was telling the truth Faith knew he was.

"Okay, fine it does mean something but that doesn't mean that something is going to happen" she said still not wanting to ruin Deuce life

"Why? What happen from this morning from hugging me and giving me a kiss on the cheek to this?" he ask

"I'm a Mikaelson, Deuce. I'm Klaus Mikaelson daughter. I never really had any friends that knew me like knew me knew me. Didn't know what I was or that I was a Mikaelson but that was for our protection but thing is I think it was less that and more we didn't want the stares and whispers at me and my sister. Being friends or better yet being more then friends that could ruin your life and I don't want that." she said

"Shouldn't I have a say in this?" he ask but she just shrugged "I know you heard that voice to and I don't care about them Faith. I care about you....I just want you however you will have me" he said. She sign and took a deep breath

"I'm a Tribrid" she said and it felt like a weight has been lifted off her shoulders, off her chest. She couldn't hold back a the smile that was appearing on her face. That was the first time ever of her saying that. Out loud at least.

"Okay. What's a Tribrid?" he ask. Faith walk closer to him and took the seat next to him

"Three creatures into one. As you could see I'm a vampire and a werewolf but the third of me is a...witch" she says

"So, that's what you meant yesterday. When you said not all are bad, not all are dangerous" he said

"We can be when we need to be but isn't that all creatures. Can't all creatures be dangerous when they need to be?" She questioned

"Yeah. I get what your saying but Faith if you think people are going to judge you about who you are and what you are then your wrong" he said

"But I'm not though. You saw people this morning. Whispering and staring. I even heard what some said and honestly I don't blame them for thinking that" she said

"Tell me what they said and I'll take care of them" he said

"Does it matter now? Because I don't think it does. Besides I just told you what I am and here you are still. Not running for the hills or saying that I'm a monster" she said

"You are a monster, I mean we all are but your not an evil monster. Your Faith Mikaelson." He said lacing his fingers with hers as they stood up and began making their way back to the Monster High. On the way there Faith filled in all the blanks in a lot of her life story. Even told him about her mother, father, and uncle. She told him everything dealing with the hallow at a young age and then stuff happening at her old school.

Deuce held her close as she let out a few tears that night. Held her until they both fell asleep but even still he had his arms still wrap around her.

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