Chapter 6

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It had to been in the middle of the night when light knocking began to play on Faith dorm door. It was loud enough to wake her up but not loud enough to wake Deuce up. She slip out of Deuce hold and open the door to see Clawdeen and Frankie standing in front of her.

"You guys know when I said we should hang out, I didn't mean in the middle of the night when I was sleeping" Faith said with a chuckle

"Oh, we're still hanging out but I need your help. You have to come with us, we'll explain on the way" Clawdeen said. Faith signed and look back at a shirtless sleeping Deuce and then look back at the two girls who happen to follow Faith's gaze and saw Deuce in Faith bed.

"We didn't do anything!" She stated making the two girls laugh quietly "let me get my shoes" Faith add and closed the door behind her, hoping Deuce will still be asleep by the time she gets back but what Faith didn't know was Deuce woke up the minute she close the door due to the fact he could no longer feel her.

On their way to the cemetery, Clawdeen kept her promise and told Faith the truth and told her about the secret lab that's on campus. In Faith's heart and mind she knew she could trust these two girls and since Clawdeen trusted her with her secret, she told them what she was. To Faith's shock they didn't care what she was, they wanted to be friends with her Tribrid or not, Mikaelson or not.

When the girls reach the cemetery the metal gate was locked. Giving Faith an idea, telling the girls to stand back, moving them behind her.

"Patentibus" Faith said. Once the word left her mouth the metal gate busted open. Having Clawdeen's and Frankie's jaws on the floor. The girls jump up and down never seeing anything like that.

That was amazing!" Clawdeen said

"Coolest thing I've ever seen and I'm 16 days old" Frankie said making Faith and Clawdeen laugh

"You girls haven't seen anything yet" Faith said as they began to walk through the cemetery.

"So, what else can you do?" Frankie ask

"Um....pretty much anything honestly. I mean there's spells for every little thing. I was born like this. Been able to do magic since I was just a little baby" Faith stated "Being born basically trigged my witch side and later on in life I trigged my vampire side and my wolf side" she add

"Wait...your a curse wolf? So, that means killed someone" Clawdeen said

"I did. I didn't mean to though. I promise to tell you what happen later but you have to know for a lot of wolf's like me. The cruse catches up to you no matter what" Faith said. Both girls gave her an understanding nod

"You're still our friend no matter what" Clawdeen said giving Faith a hug which Frankie happen to join in shocking them both.

"Sorry" Frankie said getting all of them to laugh. The girls went further in the cemetery looking for this so called secret lab.

"Can I tell you two a secret?" Frankie ask as they were still looking around

"Of course Frankie" Faith said

"You can tell us anything" Clawdeen said

"My parents designed me to be smart at everything, and I am. Except this whole making friends thing. My brain has all these parts, and I know it works differently from everyone else. But I feel like there's a rule book for all this that I never got to read. All of my soical media apps, I've literally made one friend besides you two, it's Cleo. And that's only to make fun of me." Frankie explained and Faith knew how she was feeling.

"Frankie, I don't know about Clawdeen here but I was just like that. At my old school when I first got there I had no just my sister but even then she would leave me at times to go hang out with her friends. But later on it got better, I made a few weeks later. What I'm saying is that you can't find friends, they find you. You guys found me and were friends. Also I happen to like you and all your parts" Faith said

"I couldn't have said it better myself" Clawdeen said

"Thanks. I think all my parts needed to hear that" Frankie said with a bright smile. She was happy to have Faith and Clawdeen in her life. Before the three girls could say anything else there was a loud groan to their right. When they look, they saw the same girl, Faith and Clawdeen meet when asking for directions.

"Will you get off my bed" she said "I'm trying to sleep" she add

"Sorry Ghoulia" Clawdeen said. Ghoulia groan again and laid back down, covering herself with more dirt. The three girls left and continue on following the GPS on Frankie's phone which so far has not been so great so far.

"Okay, the coordinates lead to a very secure-looking stone structure." Frankie said as they walk upon it. The girls walk up towards it looking around moving vines, pushing on. Trying to find a way in but there was no luck, no door from what they could see.

"There's no knob or handle" Clawdeen claimed

"Or even a keyhole" Frankie stated

"I could kick it open" Faith suggested

"Let's leave that idea for last and try to find other way without trying to damage the building" Clawdeen said making Faith shrug her shoulders. The girls would have continued on but Clawdeen and Faith heard someone else and it wasn't Ghoulia.

"You hear them too?" Clawdeen ask Faith

"Yep" she said and began walking to where the person was with Clawdeen and Frankie right behind her. As they got closer they saw a glimpse of the person and hid behind a rock just to see a black/pink hair vampire standing over a cauldron and inside it was glowing a very bright green.

"Isn't that your roommate?" Faith ask in a whisper

"Yeah" Clawdeen said not taking her eyes off of Draulaura

"And she so happens to be a witch too" Frankie said

"A whole different kind though" Faith said. Seeing that Draulaura was a different type of witch from her and others that she has meet.

"Power potion, bring motion" Draulaura said turning the glowing green into a glowing purple. One thought was running through Faith's mind 'What kind of magic was this?' Draulaura had a glass bottle putting whatever was in the cauldron into the bottle, then bring it up to her nose taking in a big sniff. Draulaura feet began to lift up from the ground but it only lasted a few seconds. By the sound Draulaura made she was not very happy abouth this.

"Your not strong enough" Faith stated coming out from her hiding spot with the girls right behind her.

"What are you doing here?" Draulaura ask looking shock and scared to them there

"What are you doing here?" Clawdeen ask "Is that witchcraft?" she ask pointing towards the cauldron.

"What? No, definitely not" Draulaura said hiding her book behind her back

"It is. But it's completely different from my magic" Faith said "But like I said your not strong enough, that's why the spell didn't work. And from the looks of it that's a big spell. Every witch knows well at least born witches like me know that you have to practice, build up your power" Faith said

"You're a witch?" Draulaura questioned

"Yes. A New Orleans witch along with me being a vampire and a werewolf" Faith said

"Wait a minute...your last name is Mikaelson. Your all three creatures, oh my God! You're Klaus Mikaelson daughter" Draulaura stated. She's heard the stories from her father about Klaus and the rest of the Mikaelson. But the thing was she remember her father telling her that both of Klaus daughters were dead "You're suppose to be dead" she add.

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