Part 4: Title for part 4

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You ended up having to be picked up and carried by Rizzarolli bc you got so weak you couldn't even hold yourself upright. Once you were in his arms, your hands became very grabby and you wanted to know what everything from his face to his jester hat to his robotic limbs to the rims 😩 of his shirt felt like. He started blushing madly and told you to please stop even tho he rlly didn't want you to. He just kinda laughed lightly and asked what you were doing and let this go on for several minutes because he rlly didn't mind until you started grabbing for his 😳. That's when he realized he needed to hold both your wrists 😩 in one of his hands and clasp them to your stomach, gently of course, him holding you on your back with his other arm. You thought this was rather kinky and even tho u didn't get what u wanted today this was still very pleasing. You still weren't going down without a fight. You became a squiggly worm in his grasp trying to break free, rubbing every single part of your entireeee body against him in the process. " do you want me to leave you in the middle of that dark alley over there and let the next gang that walks by butcher your drunk ass?!" He seemed angy but also hurt that he had to yell at you. You could see it on his face even though you are very stupid and very drunk thag he is rlly hurt so you mutter a no and stare at the ground staying still. The rest of the walk goes in awkward silence when Fizz makes a left turn to where he thinks your house is supposed to be. He stops when he sees the bright yellow M as you begin laughing. He drops you to the ground where you don't comprehend the pain but just continue laughing. He looks down at u very disappointed:( as you stand up. "Well since we're here might as well get something to eat right?" You say grabbing his hand and leading him inside. He rolls his eyes and refuses to make eye contact with you but let's you take him
😩 inside 😩. You have to hold the door open to let Hell's version of Ricky berwick crawl out bc no matter the universe Ricky thrives off mickey's D. You go inside and place ur orders; you get nuggets, aka the butchered remains of dead demons they find out on the streets, and Fizz gets a burger bc why not. You get your food to go bc why not and take it to this quiet area under a tree with glowing heart shaped leaves (pretty sure they all have a pulse) overlooking part of the town. You can see the top of Ozzie's (building, not his ass)  from where you are. You both jst eat your health food in comfortable silence and once you're done, you both lean against the tree, tired and you of course, still drunk. "You know, I only came to this ring to see you, haha" he looked over at you with confused eyes. "I saw an advertisement abt the special show at Fuzzie's tonight and I saw your sexyyy face." You draw out, leaning over and softly grabbing his chin wit your hand. You laugh some more and lay down in his lap, goign to sleep before he even has time to be em bare assed. You came all the way to Ozzie's bc u wanted to see him? And after close inspection, he realized you are indeed not a hellborn demon but a sinner. You must have really thought he was cute. The thought made him smile and place a hand on your head (the one containing ur face). He then realizes he never learned where your house is, but he isn't going to just leave you in the middle of town through the night. He has no choice but to take you back to Ozzie's house. What will he say?

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