Part 7: Poor Ozzie 😭

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Fizz walked back to Ozzie's with a spotless plan. Ozzie had never seen Fizz without his white face, and he had on a long sleeved shirt as well as the red paint on his hands. If he was careful, and spoke at least two octaves higher, he could "seduce" Ozzie who would be none the wiser. Like at Ozzie's, fizz snuck through a back window at Asmodeuss house and once again almost broke his neck. He snuck past all the employees and other demons running around the halls until he spotted Asmodeus conveniently alresdy in his bed with a hot cup of tea, reading a book for plot convenvines. He slinked on the floor over to Oz's night stand and downed the hot tea, hoping it would help hide the familiar raspiness in his voice, at least momentarily. Ozzie reached over for the cup after a minute and raised it to his mouth, drawing back in shock to see it was already empty. "What in the hell..?" He looks all around the cup to see if there is a crack or leak anywhere but finds nothing. He begins to turn to his right to get up and fix another cup, when an annoyed Fizz who had been silently laying in the paint me like one of your French girls position right beside him reached over and grabbed his leg, eliciting a high pitched screech. He turns to see the red faced imp glaring up at him seductively. "Who the hell are you and what are you doing in my bed? How did you even get in here?" He begins to raise a hand to whistle for a bodyguard when Fizz seductively put a finger over his mouth. "Oh, big daddy ozzie I'm just one of your MILLIONs of adoring fans and I could not resist my urges any longer." He pitifully states, putting a hand to his forehead and leaning back onto the Lords lap. "I NEEEED you, soooo bad.." he begins reaching his hands all over Ozzie's face and chest area. He began blushing heavily. This imp sure did remind him of Fizz.. so obviously very sexy. And he is the lord of lust, it was agreed upon entering the relationship with Fizz that he could have sexual relations with others in order to keep his standing... ah what the heck! He leaned over and kissed the "stranger" passionately, playing with the ends of the faux horns. This caused Fizz to sweat so he pushed the lord back onto his back and climbed over him. "Why don't you, uh, let me take control for this round, hmm?? I'm sure you get awfully tired having to be the leader in all your.. wild, sexual fantasies.." Fizz always let Asmodeus control what happened in the bedroom so he knw for. A fact the man would enjoy being pampered for once... at least that's what he thought he'd be getting. "Ohh you drive a hard bargain. Consider me your plaything, you sexy little man." "We're gonna need these." The imp said holding up a handful of ropes. "Uh.. are you sure? I mean I don't know you.. I just.." Ozzie started while Fizz playfully rolled his eyes and took out a gold chain he had snagged somewhere for plot convenience. He put it around Ozzie's neck. "Keep this as a collateral. I'll let you keep it on you until we're finished and I won't remove it until I've untied you." This seemed enough to convince Ozzie so he relaxed and allowed Fizz to tie him up. He was still a bit skeptical but soon forgot all about that when fizz started to make out with him passionately. Fizz then brought out a knife. Ozzie was so overtaken by lust he didn't question his motives. He talked every talk Ozzie wanted to hear until he was fully distracted. Fizz didn't even know if he had noticed the knife. That's when the act ended. He grabbed Ozzie's blue mane/hair? And began to dig the knife into it, cutting bits and pieces out of it Willy Nilly. Ozzie wasn't in any pain but was absolutely devastated at his now ruined locks. He knew better than to trust this fiend! His muscles soon shrunk to an un noticeably smaller size but still rendering him extremely weak. Fizz then untied him from the bed but continued to tie his wrists and ankles together before breaking the window and hopping outside. Asmodeus was in such shock fear and confusement he almost couldn't find the voice to ask what the imp was doing, much less call for help. Thank goodness because Fizz didn't bring any duct tape.

Fizz made his way to the the old, run-down barn, the drug dealer from earlier leaning against the side. "Damn, didn't think you had it in you, kid." He said impressed as Fizz easily threw Ozzie down at his feet. He flexed false muscles on his robotic arms. He untied the ropes, Ozzie barely strong enough to stand without his blue mane. The drug dealer forced him to look up at him. "You will make a mighty fine rooster.." Ozzie attempted to throw a punch to the man but the punch gave him no pain. Accepting defeat, Ozzie hung his head. "And I'll take that." Fizz said in his iconic voice as he stretched over an arm, snatching the gold chain from his neck. Ozzie was in shock. He hadn't really had hope for Fizz himself rescuing him, but he had hoped his lover would get worried about his sudden absence and send a muscly crew to come searching for him, but he never would have guess that said lover himself would be the one who put him in the danger. "I'll start sending the sugar your way as soon as my next shipment arrives." The dealer said. Fizz flashed him a cocky grin and turned without even sparing a mocking wave to Ozzie. Given up, the poor rooster man sunk down and began sobbing. He felt even more alone since the faces that always accompanied him on his blue mane were now disintegrated. "Hey. It's gonna be okay man." The dealer patted his back as he continued to sob. "You're gonna really enjoy life here on the farm. I can promise you that. Now let's get up out of this dirt and I'll give you a tour." The man lifted Ozzie and let him lean on his shoulders as the two walked inside the barn, Ozzie still upset. Don't worry, he has a fun future in store :)

"FUCK YES!" Fizz yelled as he tore his costume off, leaving different peices scattered all throughout the forest as he ran back to your house. "I'm free! Free!" He danced and laughed all the way to your front door where he knocked in tune. You swing it open already knowing who it is. He embraces you in a giant hug and kiss as he walks inside. "Baby, Asmodeus is gone. I'm all yours!" "Oh that's great news Fizzy! But where did he go? Did you break up with him that easily?" You have a million questions. "Oh, he decided the life of luxury wasn't really suiting him anymore.. so he moved out to a farm in the middle of nowhere. Also you can't tell anyone." Fizz looks at his false manicure befor directing his attention to you. You just say ok. You don't understand and you don't care. "Welll while you were gone I ordered us three giant pizzas! Pepperoni, cheese, and supreme. I also got us a giant pan of breadsticks, some slices of cake, cinnamon knots, not salads bc 🤮 and some large sodas!" You cartoonishly hold up the smorgasbord of food in your arms as Fizz just snorts at you being adorable. No wonder you live in such a tiny place way out in this nearly unmarked territory of hell; you spend all your money on unhealthy and unnecessary food and extras and that's why your floor is rotting because that giant hole in the wall from that bad storm a year ago never got fixed. Oh also you just took over this abandoned house because you just got here and haven't had a chance to do anythig for yourself. You just used a credit card you found lying around to order all this food. You and fizz munched on your pizzas and talked about life. Whatever you wanted to talk about. You told fizz everyhting about your life on earth, which was extremely boring and unfulfilling but fizz thought it was interesting bc 1) it's you and 2) he has never, ever left hell. You don't really show it but deep down you're full of gratitude that Fizz went to such great lengths to be with you. You couldn't ask for a better boyfriend to be sitting here engorged by grease with. Fizz is visually exhausted by the end of your dinner so you decide to let him nap on your shoulder as you watched your favorite show. He deserves this rest 🩵

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