Part 5: Ass Mode's House ah hell nah 💀

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Jizzarolli carried ur sleeping figure all the way back to Ozzie's house. He kicked down the door bc he doesn't care about asmodeus anymore and tonight's th night he stops acting like it. In order to hide the real reason he kicked down the door, he runs in acting like he found you injured in the street and you need immediate care. He didn't tell you about this because you're so drunk even if he woke u up u probably wouldn't understand. He rushed in and finds an employee to take you to one of the many, luxurious, sexually amplified bedrooms. He runs off to find Ozzie to explain the predicament, who wants to come in and check on you to the slight annoyance of Fizz. They both gaze down at your sleeping figure, fizz hoping u won't wake up and start making sexual remarks toward him. After a few minutes Oz agrees you can stay and finally leaves and encourages fizz to come with him to have a fun time but fizz politely declines, pushing down his anger and wanting to stay with you. He sits in a chair by your bed waiting for you to wake up, the entire time his mind racing on what he's going to tell Ozzie. How do you break up with the king of lust? Then something clicked. He doesn't have to tell Ozzie. No, he can play dirty. He'll just dodge the bullet completely and not even have to worry about oz coming 😩for revenge or some shit. And he has the perfect plan. He'll wait for you to wake up, take you back to your place, then go find him....

After an unspecified amount of time that I don't feel like figuring up, you stir awake, eyes stinging, body twisted and nose running. You look up to see a ceiling. It seems unfamiliar but your having such a bad hangover who can really know. Your hand lays down to feel silky clean linen, and you immediately know you're not at home bc ur too lazy to keep nice and clean things like that. You jolt up and look all around to see varying shades of pink everywhere. "Oh hell nah this gay ass room 💀" you say out loud trying to figure out just where in hell u are. "Glad to see you up and well." Fizz's voice came from beside you. He was still in his chair working on what looked to be some kinda crossword puzzle looking down at it all serious. It was cute and the sight immediately caused you to blush. It took you a while to remember what exactly happened. You remmeber smoking crack and going to McDonald's with fizz then passing out on top of a hill. Fizz must have carried you back to his place and gave you a bed. How nice. Just then the door burst open and in waltzed Asmodeus carrying a tray of all sorts of fancy food and drink. "Well, hello hello! Glad to see our guest awake. Welcome to our humble, very friendly abode! Is there anything I can get ya to make ya comfortable?" He asked setting the tray in front of you. Fizz had an irritable look on his face as he glared Asmodeus down every time he got near you. You were about to explain what you could remember before Fizz butted in; "yes yes, I don't think it's very.. healthy for them to eat such a big meal after just waking up with a hangover.." he used his stretchy arms to move the tray back to the kitchen before stretching them back and picking up up over his head. "And if you'll excuse us Ozzie I'm going to take our little guest back to their home since they seem to be doing a-ok. Okcyalaterbye." He said before bolting out the door and leaving with you. Once you're out of sight he places you on the ground to see if you really are okay to walk. You take some baby steps and slowly regain the memory of walking. He doesn't rlly like having to wait on you and debates picking you up again but figured he's babied you enough. "So will you tell me where your house is. For real this time?" You giggle and walk with him to your home, making small conversation about bullshit and other forms of shit on the way. Once there you turn to him from your doorstep in the typical gushy romance teen drama movie type way. "Thank you so much, Fizz for helping me get somewhere safe when I was wasted and giving me a place to crash." "Yeah.. it was no biggie!" He said scratching his neck and looking all around. He begins tipping back and forth on his pointy robotic feet. "Uh, listen, Y/N. I know we just met at Ozzie's last night but.. as soon as I laid eyes on you, everything around me just seemed to disappear. I want you. I want to leave Ozzie to be with you. We can get high on crack and go to McDonald's at 3am every night if that's the life you want. Just please tell me you'll be mine...." You are shocked. You're one hellish love just confessed to you. Of course you're gonna accept. You run up and wrap him in a hug, his arms wrapping around you several times. You simultaneously lean in and kiss. The taste of McDonalds fry salt and old burger bun filled both of your mouths from your previous McDonald s meal as you finally break away for air. "I've got some very important business to take care of but ill be back in a few hours. Will you be here?" Fizz asks you. "Of course! It's not like im a happy go lucky person with a healthy social life or responsibilities :)" you tell him. He hugs you an gives you another small peck on the cheek before he turns and leaves.

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