Part 9: adopting

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Well, ur pet moth 💀d bc it got too filthy bc u couldn't clean it bc u drank all the mothwash . So after having his funeral u decided to go fill the void. "Rest in piece, Cannibal Lecture." You and fizz go uptown for a day of shopping and you walk in the pet store and end up buying some bacon chew snacks for dogs (you know how awkward it is when you leave a store without buying anything) so you and fizz munch on the dog snacks whilst you walk around town. "You could go get extremely high"
Fozzz suggests. "No that's boring everybody does that :( I wanna be unique." You whine. Just then, by sheer plot convenience, the small deaf imp from Fizzarplli's last show comes running up to you. "Hey little buddy!" Fizz signed to him. He said hellow back and told him he had to leave bc his house was being treated for termites and him and his parents were staying in a a cramped motel room but he refused to stay because he didn't want to have to hear his parents doing it so fozzarllly being the understanding baby that he is told Oliver (the kid's canon name btw) that he can stay with both of you. You aren't paying attention as you stare at the boy. This is it. This is what's going to fill the moth-shaped void in your heart. You tell fizz you'll brb as he continues talking to the boy. You walk into the nearest party city and grab a moth costume. "You can stay with us but first see if this fits." You hand Oliver the costume and you walk back yo your house.

You get home and the moth outfit fits! Yay! He can stay with you. Oh no. Poor kid's been tricked. He doesn't know living with you is going to be undoubtedly worse because now he's going to have to listen to you and fizz doing it instead of his parents. I'm jusg kidding you never get any :). That night you eat (your favorite meal) around the table together like a normal happy family. "Hey, babe, this food is really delicious! I thought you were a bad cook. :)" you say innocently as you keep eating. "Oh yeah, I usually am. I just used this special seasoning I found in this little jar over there on the living room table." Your eyes widen as you look over. You grab the empty urn and cry. "That was Cannibal's ashes you monster!" He raises his hands. "I didn't know! When the hell did you have him cremated?!" "I didn't! I crushed up his delicate body until it looked enough like ashes :,(" you bawl as you run upstairs.

"Babe, you ok?" Fizz slowly opens your door after giving you a minute to cool down. Oliver peeks in from behind. "Go away :(" "we got you something." He says as Oliver holds up a small container. Three moths! You take the container gleefully. I mean 2 of them are ****ing which kinda ruins the moment but that's okay! "He said they were for a science project at school but he doesn't really care if he flunks the class or not because that teacher sucks anyayway." Fizz explained. You wrap Oliver in a giant hug, fizz joining in. :) "thank you, mothchild..." you whisper as a tear falls.

Fizzarolli X horni reader realOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora