Fresh start

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Dazai's POV

I got woken up by the ever so irritating sound of my alarm clock. No honestly, who makes those things so annoying sounding? If I've gotten the chance I would've ignored it and went back to sleep but today is yet another first day at a new Highschool. I've had over 5 first days at new Highschools because we move a lot. No really like a LOT. And I give my father the fault for that, it's all because of his job. It's unfair that he doesn't have to do those first school days and finding new friends stuff every time. Why are first school days so awkward anyway? Whatever, right now I'm on my way to the school and this time there is a good point about it because my uncle Odasaku is a teacher there! And my father is the biggest donor for that school so maybe I'll get some special treatment? Maybe like free sweets or no homework that would be sick! And even though my father's so crazy rich I am not allowed to get driven to the school by our driver which is insane! Now I have to walk a mile daily! A MILE! Just so I don't look like some snob and that statement comes from the biggest school donor?

Chuuya's POV

I was doing the homework that I forgot to do yesterday while eating breakfast. Okay, to be fair I just didn't feel like it but I remembered that my mother is the teacher who gave me that homework so I definitely have to make it. "Hey, Chuu you're up early!" Kouyou came in and I covered the homework I was doing. 'She'd kill me if she saw I was only doing it now' "You know, today there'll be a new student in class so I'll need to be in the school prior. We need to arrange a desk and do formalities and such." A new student? Well that's random. "That's alright I'll just take the bus then." To be honest I hate the bus but what other choice do I have. "Oh and one more thing. It's serious." When Kouyou says it's serious then it really is. She didn't see the homework right? "About that new student. He is a very important student. His father is the biggest donor for our school. Also the only one" that last part she whispered but I couldn't help but snicker at that. "So, naturally, it's very important that his kid is happy at our school. But you see, I've met that kid and he is a little on the odd side. Which means you'll need to befriend him to make sure we know what he thinks of the school." I stared at her blankly and I fully was ready for her to just laugh and tell me that was a joke. "So, you're saying that I need to befriend a weird kid so his rich daddy doesn't take away his money from the school? You could always just ask him how he finds the school himself no need for me to start a whole movie plot." At this point I was hoping she'd say it was a joke! That's honestly crazy like I need to be some weirdos friend who I probably won't even like just cause he's some spoiled brat who'll tell his daddy to quit supporting the school? That's bullshit! Kouyou exhaled "Listen. Our school isn't big nor is it wealthy. The school would have to close if he'd stop giving us money and all teachers would lose their jobs, including me! Also, all students would lose their spot, including you. So we would lose everything. It's not a big price to pay to be friends with one kid if it means we can continue on living like we do!" I know my mom loves her job and she always tells me about how much she loves that school too. So I had no choice! "Alright.",  I sighed, "I'll do it." Suddenly her face brightened up and she pulled me into a hug. "You are amazing Chuu! Thank you.", she smiled at me. "I have to go now but be careful on the bus! Oh, and the answer to number 3 is b." SHE KNEW?! Well, I was gonna say it was b too... I knew that! I finished doing my homework and finished eating but I somehow felt anxious. I'd have to befriend some new weird kid. What if he is a complete asshole? I noticed the time and got ready to leave. I was at the bus stop 5 minutes before the bus comes but I needed some time to mentally prepare for the bus ride anyway. Not that I hate bus rides in general. I just hate the school bus rides because there are so many weird and noisy students.

Dazai's POV

I arrived at the school half an hour before it is actually starting. I need to give some people some paperwork and what not but I don't get why I can't just do that in the normal school time? It sucks so bad but nothing I can change about that I guess. I walked through the halls having completely no clue where the hell I should go. This place is like a maze and honestly they should invest in some signs that show the way! "Dazai!" I heard a familiar voice and turned around. And there he was! My awesome uncle Odasaku! "Odasaku!" I said with a big smile and I ran up to him to hug him like a little child does to his parents. He returned the hug. "Long time no see, how has life been?" "Oh you know! Just how life is.", I smiled at him. Avoiding questions is annoying if someone else does it but actually really normal when I do it. I mean, he wasn't going to listen to me talk about everything what happened in my life, he just asked out of kindness! "Come on, I'll show you the way." We talked on the whole way and I almost forgot where I was but then we made it to the director's office. "The director Mr. Fukuzawa is already waiting on you so go on in." I sighed and went in. I handed him some papers and he told me the usual, my schedule, the rules, and all that other useless stuff. Honestly, I could be a director my own just because of how often I've heard that stuff. Then he started to talk about my father and what not and I honestly at that point didn't listen anymore I just nodded and smiled. Was he trying to make me a student or have a tea party with me? I looked at the clock and saw that the classes will start in 3 minutes. I'd rather go to class than listen to that old man speak so those 3 minutes better go by quick!

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