Back in School

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Dazai's POV:

Usually Father's never here so eating dinner with him now is really awkward. It's worse than with a stranger! "So, tell me Dazai, how is school?" "Wow, never thought you'd ask something like that." This is so awkward that even Dorota went to the kitchen to pretend like she's doing something. "Come on now. I remembered after the paychecks I saw for it. So might as well ask, no? Isn't your uncle teaching there too?" "So when's your next trip?" I asked with a annoyed smile. I hate when he pretends that we are a normal family. If I'd want to play some act with him I'd fly to Hollywood! He laughed. "It is only next month." Dude, that sucks! Hard to imagine him being around here for such a long time. Can't he just piss of again? Seriously, no one wants him here! I don't even think Dorota likes him.

Chuuya's POV:

"So, how was the hospital Visit my dear?", Mom asked while setting the food on the table. I thought about that for a few seconds because a fucking lot happened. "He got released and we went to eat at his uncle's house. Oh! And his uncle apparently is Mr. Oda! Did you know that?! Oh, he also has a limousine and a driver!" Kouyou looked at me with slight confusion. "Mr. Oda? But he in no way is related to Mr. Mori. That sure is weird. And also, didn't I already tell you they were rich?" She laughed and began to eat. "Yeah, but I didn't think they were THAT loaded! And are you sure? He really did seem to be his uncle and there even where pictures of them in his house and all." "Hmm...well maybe you should ask him about that?"

Dazai's POV:

It sucks that father is back for such a long time now but one perk that I get now is that I don't have to walk to school for the month. Since the driver isn't busy driving my maniac of a father around he can drive me. Even though my father doesn't like it when I get driven to school. It will be kinda awkward to come to a school in a limousine but still way better than walking those miles. I let my driver park some meters before the school so it wouldn't be as awkward and I walked the rest of it. As soon as I entered the school I heard a irritating voice with a russian accent say "So you finally recovered from your sickness?" Oh, amazing the weird guys again! Honestly, they look like they've all just escaped a mental hospital and that coming from me means something. "Otherwise I would've hardly come to school, now would I?" Having to talk to them made me want to go back to the hospital. "I think we should leave him alone." The guy with a crazy haircut and split dyed hair said. To be honest I forgot all of their names but seriously what's wrong with his hair?! Looks like some toddler did that. "But we gotta tell him bout our cool thing!!!" Dude, that guy must've escaped the circus! What kinda clowns show was he a part of?! He also looks like some crazy maniac. At this point I just want them to get done talking so I can finally go so I let them talk and say nothing. "Right, since you are intelligent and already part of our group we want to recruit you to our club of special intellect." I only was joking when asking if they have a mathematics club! But seriously is he inviting me to a group therapy or what? "The hell you want from me?" "He means we want you to join our chess club." I don't think I've ever heard that guy actually speak! But wait, what?! Why the hell would I waste time in some chess club? I'm not stupid. "No, thank you." I smiled and walked away. I heard them talking to me but I just ignored them. Really, if I knew they were going to waste my time like that I just would've ignored them in the first place. I finally reached my seat and sat down, already exhausted from the day that hasn't even begun yet. But then Chuuya came in. It's not like I particularly like that guy I just find it fun to mock and tease him. "Now I have to sit next to you again. What a pain." He sat down sighing. "Yeah, right! You were missing me like hell, weren't you?" "In your dreams, weirdo!" The lessons were boring as usual. I just waited for the break to start the whole day. I still didn't know what I should do in said break tho. I was pretty popular so I could probably hang out with anyone and that group therapy club would welcome me with way too open arms. "Hey, Dazai! You want to eat lunch with us?" I think that guy's name is Atsushi? In our class he seems to have the biggest friend group although they all seem kinda weird. But not as weird as all the others so that'll do. I accepted his offer and he introduced everyone in his group to me. Kenji, Ranpo, Poe, Lucy, Tanizaki, Naomi and Kyouka. I ate lunch with them all and they did seem somewhat kind. Well, at least some of them.

Chuuya's POV:

"Seems like someone's mood is lifted ever since Dazai is at school again." Tachihara grinned at Chuuya. "Shut up! I hate that guy." "Of course you do." Higuchi added. "Can we not just eat in peace?" Akutagawa spoke up. "Yeah! He's right." And then everyone just concentrated on their food. I really do hate that guy but I need to get closer to him for Kouyou and the school. I also need to ask him about the uncle thing but it'd be too awkward to just randomly ask about his family. Maybe I should go somewhere with him today? "Oh, did you guys hear? A new ice cream place opened next to the park. We should go there sometime." Right! That's a great idea! I have to thank Gin for that later. I also should convince him to take me to his house maybe there I'll find out about all that family stuff some more. "Forget ice cream! Aren't ya excited for our school trip?!" Oh, right. I completely forgot somehow. We will spend a week in Okinawa.

Dazai's POV:

Now only the last classes left until I can finally go back home. "Hey, weirdo." "Hm?" "You want to go eat ice cream after school?" That question genuinely shocked me. That guy hated me so why would he ask something like that? I waited a couple seconds to see if he was going to say that it was a joke but he looked dead serious. Well, I guess something like that won't hurt every once in a while. Maybe I'll actually have fun for once? I grinned at him. "Sure."

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