First morning

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Chuuya's POV:

To be honest I thought the first night would be the worst. I imagined the worst scenarios, like Dazai snoring ungodly loud or sleepwalk, I'd trust that weirdo to be annoying even in his sleep, or even worse, I thought he'd stay up abnormally long and just don't stop talking. But it actually was quite the opposite to my surprise. He put in earbuds and was quiet as a mouse the whole night. Though once I've woken up at around 2am and I saw that he was still on his phone and wasn't sleeping yet. But he talk or walk in his sleep so that's a win for me. I woke up first, much what I've excepted, I looked at Dazai and he looked surprisingly peaceful. Much different from how he normally looks, he actually looked nice when he was sleeping. I starred at him for a couple more minutes until I realized I was being fucking creepy. So, I stood up and went into our kitchen. It was right across from the bathroom and it was rather small. I doubt more than two people would fit in here at the same time. I was terribly hungry but I noticed that we didn't buy anything to eat like at all. Fucking stupid to not bring food when I think about it now. I looked through every drawer in hopes that the school left at least something for us. In the last drawer I found cereal and milk with a note saying "We gotta buy food today! >:(" that's definitely from Dazai. I doubt the school would use such a sucky emoji on a sticky note. I did take the food though and I was also kinda thankful that he got that. Don't really get why he couldn't get more food when he was able to bring this but whatever. I finished eating and heard Dazai wake up.

Dazai's POV:

I woke up and still felt tired as fuck. It was a free day and normally on free days, and sometimes on not free days, I just lay in bed all day but with Chuuya here I doubt I can do that. Though the thought of him finding the note and cereal and internally thanking me for that made the whole thing a bit better. "Morning." He said coming out of the kitchen. I yawned and then replied tiredly "Mornin'." "I'm gonna shower." "Careful not to drown!" I reply smiling. Honestly, the last thing I'd want to do in the morning is shower but in the morning everything is the last thing I'd want to do. I hate mornings! I grabbed my phone to check for new messages and I got none. That's always a disappointing way to start my day. I change my clothes to something at least wearable outside and leave another note for Chuuya. "Gonna go grab coffee, if you want some text me." I do know he doesn't have my number so I wrote it on the back of the note. I hope he gets annoyed before he notices the number tho. As I walk out the school entrance I run into some lady with tones of bags on her. "Oh, I'm sorry.", I say, "do you need some help with those?" She looks at me and then laughs. "Hell yeah, but don't try to hit on me, I'm the school nurse." That came as a surprise, she really doesn't look that old. But she wasn't my type anyway so might as well befriend her, maybe she'll give me some free time from class if all goes well. I smiled at her and took most of her bags and god were they fucking heavy. How can medicine be this heavy?! She got fucking weights in there?! "Pardon me but you don't really look old enough to be a school nurse if I may say." She started to walk into one direction and I followed her with the bags. "Well, I'm in my early twenties. Also, no need to speak so polite with me. You give me the feeling I'm talking with some royal. My name's Yosano." She's really chill, I guess it'll be easy to befriend her.

Chuuya's POV:

I showered extremely long and it would've been even longer if I was alone in this room. Dazai was completely silent again and I didn't know whether he fell asleep again or died because I don't trust that this weirdo would be quiet otherwise. I did take my time blow drying my hair and brushing my teeth and my skin care routine was also more important to me than Dazai but he should be lucky that I even cut short the shower time. When I got out of the bathroom I noticed that he wasn't even in the room anymore. Dude, I could've showered for hours! Is that guy serious?! I found another note that he left. Jesus, I need to tell him to stop with those notes! "Gonna go grab coffee, if you want some text me." How am I supposed to text him when I don't even have his number? Well whatever, I'd rather not have his number anyway! I crumble the note and throw it away. My phone rings, I got a new message from an unknown number? I open the message and sigh. It's a photo of Dazai, the school nurse and a guy, who's name I think is ranpo, eating donuts and drinking coffee. Another message right afterwards "Already excited for our day at the so amazing group room!" How the hell did he get my number?! Fucking weirdo. And who the hell told him that I'd actually spend more time than I have to with him?! No way I'm going to that arcade with him!

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