Stormy night

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Dazai's POV:

We split the pizza so we both had four slices to eat while continuing to watch the movie. After I ate two slices I looked over to Chuuya who's plate was already empty. I was about to comment on how fast he ate but then I saw he was asleep. It was still pouring outside so now I could either wake that asshole up or go without an umbrella. And trust me, I tried to wake him up because there was no way I'd just walk in that pouring rain but he was just knocked out. I thought about the possibility of him being dead, that's how hard he slept. „Guess he doesn't give me another choice. Such an asshole!" and with that I took the two slices of pizza in the box with me and went out. I didn't even have my zip up sweater since that gnome took that away so it could dry. Maybe he's just trying to kill me or something? I walked through the storm in just a shirt, holding a pizza box, without any clue how to get home because my phone broke down due to too much rain. Dude, how can something this absurd actually happen in real life? After what felt like s minimum of two hours I arrived at home. But as if it wasn't bad enough already, my keys were in my sweater. The one that was currently still at Chuuya's house. I slammed my head on the door. And I rang the doorbell. Obviously there was someone home but she was already asleep so I would've rather not woken her up because then I had to explain myself. While with a key I could've just sneaked in and pretended I was never gone at all. After a while Dorota, our maid, opened the door. „Where have you been? Don't you know how late it is! And have you seen the weather?!" Yeah, exactly like I thought. It's crazy tho because technically I'm just part of her job and yet she asks so many questions as if she was truly concerned. „Yeah, sorry. I studied at a friend's house and didn't look at the time. Don't tell Mori, okay?" She just sighed and nodded, letting me in. „You should go take a bath, you're going to get sick." There she was again acting so concerned when all she probably actually thought about was how annoying I was to wake her up this late. „Yeah, I will. Here, I've brought pizza for you." I gave her the pizza box and headed up to my room. I didn't feel like having a bath. I just wanted to fall into my bed and sleep for hours and hours. But first I had to exchange all my bandages and put on different clothes, which was really fucking exhausting. After I was finally done I fell into my bed. I starred out the window, thinking about many things for an absurdly amount of time until I eventually fell asleep.

Chuuya's POV:

I woke up, realizing I was laying on my couch. It took me some minutes to realize what happened and where I was. „Dazai must have left in the night." After some time of thinking about how he left it suddenly hit me. „He left without any umbrella or his sweater." He must have been crazy! Who would do that?! I immediately texted him "You okay?" But the message didn't deliver. I send about 10 other messages and even tried calling him but nothing went through. "Fuck, I don't even know where that maniac lives!" Then I had to get ready for school and I figured "He's probably fine and already at the school."
My mom drove me to school and even she was surprised that Dazai had left in the middle of the night in a storm. When I came into class I looked around expecting to find him but he just wasn't there. I had to sit down because our teacher Mr. Oda walked in. He also seemed surprised at the empty spot beside me. Now, it wasn't so weird for students to get sick sometimes but it was his second day of school so it was kind of weird. "Does anyone know where Dazai is?" And no one responded. "Well then, Chuuya? Would you be so kind and go to the secretary to ask about him?" I nodded and got up. Normally I hate these kind of tasks but now I was invested in it myself. I went to Ms. Margaret, our secretary who I truth be told was kinda scared of. "Excuse me? I'm here to ask where Dazai Osamu is?" She looked at me like she was angry I even came here in the first place. Then she started to look through a notebook of hers. "Some woman called and said he is horribly sick." Well I guess after walking through a storm twice that figures." I thanked the secretary and went straight back to my class where I told Mr. Oda about his Mother calling and the reason why he might be sick. "I see." Was all he said to that.
The next day he still didn't show up. And the one after that. After three days Mr. Oda announced that he was currently in a hospital. This news deeply shook me. I mean yeah, sure I knew he was terribly sick or whatever but I never imagined he was THAT sick just from walking a bit through the rain. In the time that freak was gone Higuchi sat next to me. "You seem awfully quiet ever since Dazai is gone. Are you alright?" "What? You must be imagining things! I don't care about that weirdo at all." Higuchi awkwardly laughed. "Yeahhh, right. Well anyway, I've heard he is at the Hospital right next to the local park." "And? I don't fucking care." "Righttt." She smiled at me. Honestly, what's her deal?.Well, I guess I could go pay him a quick visit. But only for Kouyou's sake! I myself couldn't care less. But I also guess it was kinda my fault he got sick in the first place. My mom dropped me of at the hospital and the nurse there looked almost ecstatic when I told her I was here to see Dazai. She didn't even ask who I was at all she just instantly told me the room number. That was a little strange but nevertheless I walked up to the room and knocked. A weak "Yes?" was heard from the other side and I entered.

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