Ice cream

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Chuuya's POV:

I did ask him to go eat ice cream after school with me but it would be very weird and awkward if we went just the two of us. So I decided to ask Tachihara to come with us and Dazai decided to ask Atsushi. So now we are walking to the park all together. It's way more awkward than it would've been with just the two of us though and I'm starting to really regret that I even asked in the first place. But I do have to get him to invite me over to his house somehow. "Hey, Tachihara? Can I talk to you alone for a second?" "Yeah, wassup?" I waited until Dazai and Atsushi went on ahead and then exhaled. "I have to get Dazai to invite me to his place so how do I do that?" "Fuck you need that for? He your crush or somethin'?" "What?! Are you out of your mind?! It doesn't matter why just help me out, will you?" "Alright, alright! I guess you could make up some lie 'bout not being able to go home or somethin' like that?" It is kinda sad that I needed this idiot to get to such an obvious solution. "Yeah, guess that'll work. Thanks man." "Sure, but the hell you need to go there for you creep?" "I'll tell you eventually. We should go back to the others before it gets even more awkward." We caught up with them and they were having a seemingly nice chat which stopped as soon as Tachihara and I came closer to them. God this is so awkward I want to combust! Eventually we arrived at the ice cream shop which just looked like a nice café. "So uh, Dazai? How was your School before ours?" I mentally thanked Tachihara for breaking the weird silence. "Well, I've been to 11 school's not including this one and all were somewhat similar." The hell? That guy either moved a lot or is some punk who got thrown out. "Woah! How come you've been at so many?" Atsushi asks but I'm sure all of us just thought that. "I've been moving a lot because of my father." "Well, that's kinda shitty of him. What does your mother say to that?" At this point Tachihara said more than me even though I invited him. Dazai blankly stared at him for a few seconds without answering. Well that's hella weird. Maybe he doesn't have a mom? But then he grinned. "She's alright with that." "Are you alright with that?" I asked that before I even thought about it. "Am I being interrogated now?" He laughed. Guess he doesn't want to answer something that personal, huh? But that also answers itself in that case. We all ate our ice cream, which was actually pretty good, and held some small talk. I even forgot about the whole going to his house mission until Tachihara pushed my arm giving me a weird look. "Ah, right. I can't go home today so could I go to one of your houses for today?" It'd be weird if I asked for Dazai specifically but Tachihara knows the plan and Atsushi barely knows me so there's no way he'd ever say yes. "Well, sure-" Tachihara kicked Atsushi under the table. "He means surely but not today! Sorry but we have something planned today." He wasn't actually about to invite me to his house? The hell's wrong with that guy?! Now I get why he is Dazai's friend. "Well? Only you are left." It seemed like he really had to think about it.

Dazai's POV:

Mori would absolutely kill me! He hates visitors and if he finds out I've not been going home straight after school he will skin me alive. But on the other hand he can't really do that in front of a guest and then again Chuuya did let me stay at his house even though we barely knew each other. "Alright." I really don't think that Atsushi and Tachihara are really doing something after this though. I mean, they barely ever talk to each other and besides I saw him kick Atsushi so this probably is some plan Chuuya made when talking to Tachihara alone. I would be lying if I said I didn't invite him to also see why he'd want to be at my house. I called my driver who picked us up, that way father wouldn't notice I've been somewhere else because I'd take the same amount of time by foot from school as now. "I'll never get accustomed to the fact you own a limousine." "Its my father's, I don't own it." "Still, your family owns it!" We arrived at my house and I was honestly a bit scared to enter. "Dude, no way this is where you live! This looks like a fucking palace! Just how wealthy are you?!" "If you keep talking like this you'll convince me you're actually a robber y'know?" "I'd need like fifty other people to rob this place!" I opened the door and as if he was already waiting for me father stood right in front of it. "Hello, Dazai. Welcome back home. I see you've brought a guest?" He smiled but somehow it was very unsettling. "Oh, hello Mr. Dazai. I'm Chuuya, a classmate." Mr. Dazai? Who the hell was he referring- ah right. Mori. "Nice to meet you Chuuya. Come on in." He sounded like some really creepy doctor in some horror movie. Which he was besides the horror movie part. I closed the door behind us and saw Dorota in the kitchen giving me a worried look. "Now tell me, how is Dazai at school?" "Well he-" "We actually have a project to do so there's no time to answer your questions I'm afraid." I had to stop him from actually answering father's questions. He gave me a confused look as I dragged him into my room. "What project?" "There's no project you idiot. I just didn't want you talking to my father for so long." "Why? He seemed nice and pretty interested." "Yeah, that's exactly why." "You are weird. Well, whatever. Let's play something."

Chuuya's POV:

I saw his console so that idea instantly came to my mind. I needed to wait for a moment where he left the room so I could search it. It probably wouldn't take long to search everything because even though his house was huge and extravagant, his room was pretty minimalistic. A bed, a shelf, a TV and a ventilator. It looked pretty empty because his room was big. The playing was actually fun this time around because I trained to be better and even though I didn't beat him even one time I was really close to it. Then the moment came. Some woman shouted his name. Probably his mother? He got up and left the room and I started searching. I first searched the shelf but there were only some clothes messily thrown in it. The only place I could really search after that was under his bed. And surprisingly there was a box. I grabbed it fast because I was afraid he'd come back soon. Inside that box were some pictures and a book that was locked. I heard footsteps so I put the book into my school bag and but the box back where it had been without even being able to take a look at the photos. Dazai came back in and I stood up, ready to leave. "I can go home now since my mother is back home again." He just silently nodded and walked me to the door. He seemed to suspect that something was up so I prayed the wouldn't ask about it. And he didn't. I got home and my mother sat at the table, waiting for me. "Hey mom!" "I have an important announcement." Without saying another word I sat down in front of her. This had to be something serious. "The school decided to make dorms for every student." "What?!"

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