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Chuuya's POV:

It has been about a week after I was at Dazai's place and up until now I wasn't able to open the book I found there but it's not like I really had time for that either since I had to pack my things for the new dorms. Apparently even our trip to Okinawa was put aside for that. Kouyou said the school wanted dorms for a long time and now that Dazai's dad pays even more for the school they finally were able to. I don't know who I'm going to share a dorm with but if we are able to choose I think I'd choose Tachihara. It would just be awkward with Dazai since we barely know each other and actually seeing him always wear bandages is really weird.

Dazai's POV:

Today we are going to establish who will be sharing dorms with who and I'm absolutely terrified of that. I even considered simply not showing up but then I'd probably be left with the last and worst option. The thing is that even if I got to choose I wouldn't know who I'd want to choose. Sure, Atsushi and his gang are nice but they all like each other more than me so they all probably already know who will go with who. Chuuya also is kinda cool but it'd be awkward with him plus he has his friend group too so he'll probably go into a dorm with that other ginger. And it'd rather jump off a building than live in a room with one of the weirdo smart ass kids. Not like they'd ask me to do that because even those weirdos have each other so there's no place for me. I guess that's just what happens to a new student. Even though none of them really dislike me they don't like me enough to actually make me a good friend of theirs. And I guess being in a dorm alone isn't going to exactly work either because there is a even number of students. Even all the friend groups have even numbers, how's that possible?! I thought of  kidnapping one of them so it's uneven but that would be a little too sick even for me. So all I got left is to hope and I'm not exactly good at hoping.
I walked into the school and instantly spotted Chuuya. Well, maybe if I ask before anyone else he will just say yes without thinking about it too much? „Hey, Chuuuuyaaa!" I ran up to him. „What do you want?" God, this is so awkward to ask but it really is the only way to be in a dorm with someone I at least know. I mean, no front but I can't even remember my other classmate's names even though they all have talked to me. „You don't happen to already have a roommate, do you?" „I actually do, I'm going to be in a dorm with Tachihara." „Ah, right, of course." I smiled and he closed his locker simply walking away. Not even he wanted me in his dorm. Well, I can't really blame him for it, I wouldn't want that as well. So, now I'm fucked. That was my last hope and as always that got taken away from me. I sighed and slowly walked to class. I specifically walked slow so maybe some kind of miracle would happen and someone would come up running to me and begging me to be in a dorm with them. But that did in fact not happen at all.

Chuuya's POV:

I was surprised that Dazai even asked me to be roommates. I actually thought we both didn't really like each other. Well, he probably only did it because I'm the person he mostly talks to. I walked into class and straight to Tachihara who was standing with the rest of our group. „Hey! We're gonna move into the dorms today. You excited?" Tachihara asked me straight away. „Yeah, dude! It'll be so sick sharing a room with you." Then they all looked at me quietly and then looked at each other. „With me?" Tachihara pointed at himself with confusion on his face. „Well, yeah? Unless you don't want to?" „Oh, dude I'm sorry but I already promised Kajii I'd be in a dorm with him. I thought you'd be with Dazai?" „Well, I wanted to be in a dorm with you but it's okay. I'll find someone else. What about you Aku?" He looked away. „Can't. I'm with Atsushi already." Atsushi?! I didn't even know they knew each other! „Alright then, Gin? Higuchi?" „We actually can't. We are in one together, sorry." „Yeah, sorry. You'll find someone tho!" How come that all my friends already made all those arrangements and I knew nothing about that? Why do they all have a roommate and I don't? Am I not their friend? Am I not equal to them? Why can't I find a roommate even though I have so many friends?! In that moment Mr. Ango came in together with Mr. Oda announcing that we will talk about the dorm plan now. I sat down at got nervous. Really nervous. What now? What am I going to do? Had I only said yes to Dazai earlier. But asking him now would make everything even more awkward because he probably already found someone else as well. Judging by his relaxed state he definitely must have! The students got called one by one, each one saying their roommate and getting their keys. At least I was almost the last in the class so I had time to see who was free but my stress grew and grew. I looked over to Dazai who had his head in his hand and looked off into space. How can he be so calm? Does he really have a roommate? I mean we are almost at me and he still wasn't named. Then I got thrown out of my thoughts. It was my turn. My turn. What do I say now? Who is left? Fuck, I spaced out and forgot to pay attention. Has Dazai been named? Fuck fuck fuck.

Dazai's POV:

„He's in a room with me." I said smiling. I overheard his conversation earlier so I knew his plan to share a dorm with his friends didn't work out. I was expecting him to simply ask me but he didn't. Did he really hate the idea of sharing a dorm with me that bad? After he didn't say anything I had to. I mean that was the only option we had left since we were the only two left right now. Chuuya looked at me with a shocked expression as if he hadn't been expecting this at all. „What? Your friends ditched, didn't they?" I whispered to him as Odasaku gave us our keys. „Right..." He answered looking away. Honestly, he is making this more awkward than it had to be. „I will hang a dorm plan up so no one gets confused." Ango then pinned the plan to the wall and everyone got up to look at it as if they didn't just literally witness it being made? Me and Chuuya were the only ones still sitting. „Y'know if you hate sharing a dorm with me this much you can just beg someone to switch with you." He looked at me and sighed. „No, its whatever. Let's look what dorm number we got." We got up after everyone else left and checked out the plan.
Dorm plan: Gin/Higuchi Dorm 29, Tachihara/Kajii Dorm 30, Akutagawa/Atsushi Dorm 31, Ranpo/Poe Dorm 32, Lucy/Naomi Dorm 33, Kenji/Tanizaki Dorm 34, Bram/Sigma Dorm 35, Fyodor/Nikolai Dorm 36, Chuuya/Dazai Dorm 37,..."
„Let's go check out our dorm."

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