Chapter 3

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Cecilia opened her eyes to meet her home's interior while rain poured from outside the windows.

'No,' she thought before banging was heard outside with the thunder.

"Open up Romano!" that voice yelled angrily.

'Don't open papa, it's a trap!' she internally screamed but nothing came out.

Her father's dark silhouette suddenly came running downstairs from her Californian home to meet that man's face.

That evil man she detested.

"Where is she?!" he growled pushing her father to the side.

"Who?" her father asked all confused by the man's ranting.

"The sea monster!" he yelled again.

That's when Cecilia saw herself coming down with a sleepy yawn, that's when she knew what this was.

"Papa?" she saw herself ask.

"Go back tesoro," he told his daughter with a hint of fear in his face.

The man suddenly pushed through her father and began dragging her outside.

"Let go of her!" her father screamed trying to stop him, but he only pushed him to the ground.

"Papa!" she screamed with tears as his nails dug into her skin.

He dragged her into the rain making her skin turn into pink and her hair into red and orange scales.

"Papa!" she said watching her father lay on the floor in pain.

"You will be a great discovery," the man boasted while grabbing onto her harshly.

'No stop...stop this please!' Cecilia mentally continued to plead but it didn't, she could feel the pain clearly.

That's when Cecilia bit the man's arm with her razor-sharp teeth making the man yelp in pain before letting her go.

The taste of blood infiltrated her mouth while she saw her mama help her papa up.

"You sick beast!" the man said falling to the ground in pain.

That's when Cecilia's eyes flew open.

Her body was covered in sweat and tears were falling down her cheeks as she tried to check her surroundings.

Once she heard Giulia snoring, she knew it had only been a nightmare.

She was in Italy now.

Cecilia slowly stood up making sure not to make any noise even though her uneven breaths were loud already. She looked out the window before opening it carefully and stepping out of it, the air seemed to make her breathing even, but the tears wouldn't stop falling down. She sat down on the rooftop while looking at the moon surrounded by stars.

If only she hadn't been born a sea monster, none of this would have happened.

"Tough night?" a voice asked next to her.

"Huh?" she asked looking at Alberto's silhouette who was sitting next to her.

"I could hear someone crying so I came out to see who it was," he explained making her mouth form into an 'oh'.

"So, what's keeping you up?" he asked suddenly taking her slightly aback.

"A nightmare," she half-lied.

"Yeah, those suck," he said sighing before taking a seat a few inches away from her.

Cecilia didn't answer but continued to look at the stars and moon, they looked so free.

(REPUBLISHED & COMPLETED)Finding Each Other: A Luca FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now