Chapter 15

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Cecilia's heart dropped when those words left Matty's lips and her realization suddenly dawned upon her mind. She remembered that besides her getting caught back at her father's laboratory. There was something she had heard her father mumbling about in a distressed tone, a "collection of test subjects" he had called it.

"The collection," Cecilia muttered in fear.

"Collection?" Alberto asked.

"Yes, they are collecting sea monsters for experimentation...I thought the Italian government had denied them access but the company must be doing it illegally," Matty explained taking more turns on the road.

"I don't understand...I thought they only wanted me," Cecilia bit through her nails.

"The more the better it is for them and your town was a perfect hotspot," he explained.

"Do you know where they could have taken them?" Alberto asked worried for Luca and his family.

"I have an idea but we need to meet with my friend first," he said before driving silently again.

The drive to Matty's destination felt like forever for both teens as they held each other's hands for support. Alberto could feel his girlfriend's uneasiness with her grip tightening from time to time. Both of them were afraid but it was obvious Cecilia felt guilty. No matter how many times Alberto tried to comfort the girl, there was something in her eyes telling him everything and it pained him deeply.

Time flew and finally, they found themselves at a certain point for docks and shipments. There were a few workers but no one seemed to pay much attention to them as they walked to an old building that seemed abandoned and far from the working area.

Once inside both teens were faced with a young woman with olive hair and eyes, her expression looked worried until her eyes landed on Matty.

"Matty my goodness are you alright?" she asked in a worried tone.

"I'm alright Amalia, this is Cecilia and Alberto they are with me," he explained shortly.

"I see I am Dr. Amalia Ricci, we need to go now or the last shipment boat will leave," she explained hurriedly.

"Last boat?" Alberto asked not liking the terms used.

"I am a spy for the Italian government and I have been on the MBC's tail for a while now and they...they apparently have a cargo of marine creatures on their way to the US," she explained worridely.

"Did you inform the authorities?" Matty asked.

"I did but they are more far away than we are right now...if they arrive it would be too late unless we distract them meanwhile," she finished.

"But how do we do that?" Alberto asked frantically.

Cecilia only rubbed her chin in fustration, her family and friends were in danger and they were the only hope but how?


"I have an idea," Cecilia suddenly spoke out.

"What is is?" Amalia asked.

"It's going to be tricky but it might buy the authorities enough time," she explained then headed on to explain her idea.

After Cecilia explained her plan, they all headed to the place where the supposed ship would be leaving with all the sea monsters and captives of Portorosso. Cecilia eyed the men who were dressed in the MBC's uniform with anger and disgust, those men had ruined her life.

Now she would give them what they deserved.

Sorry for the short chapter guys I promise the next one will be longer <3

(REPUBLISHED & COMPLETED)Finding Each Other: A Luca FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now