Chapter 13

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Somewhere out in the ocean

"Did you track the girl?" an annoyed voice asked, it was getting late and the boss wanted the sea monster fast.

"Yes Maria, for the last time she was located in Portorosso that is where we are headed," the man responded to the clearly frustrated woman.

"Are the authorities aware that we are on Italian waters?" she asked again biting her nails.

"No they do not know we exist, the company specifically designed this boat to be invisible to the radars," the young man explained.

Maria sighed before looking at the map again, they had the girl now capturing her would be another story. Sea monsters were highly protected in all of Italy meaning that capturing one would be illegal and may even start a war.

"Louie, did you notify our advisor we would be taking action shortly?"

"Yes, Mark and I made sure of it."


They needed to act quickly.

Back in Portorosso, Cecilia found herself fluttering her eyes open with a warm feeling flooding her chest. She had the best dream last night that involved kissing Alberto and falling asleep in his arms. Until her eyes suddenly landed on a sleeping Alberto who was holding her close to his chest.

Her cheeks suddenly turned scarlet when she realized none of it had been a dream, it had actually happened.

Alberto knowing she was a sea monster.

The cuddling.

The kissing.

It had been real.

Cecilia smiled allowing her hands to travel through his chest while he let out shallow breaths during his deep slumber.

She was his and he was hers.

The thought brought excitement across her body, feeling him this close was just perfect. Suddenly she felt him shift meaning he was waking up, her sudden boldness was replaced with shyness as soon as his eyes opened to meet hers.

Those green orbs made her melt as she felt his grip on her tighten instead of loosening.

"Morning," he said in a low tone making her shiver.

"Hi," she said blushing harder in the process.

He yawned a bit before kissing her passionately taking the young girl by surprise yet she didn't complain. Kissing him felt addicting and she never wanted him to stop even though she knew it would be best if they did.

"We need to get home," she said once she was out of breath.

"Do we have to?" he murmured kissing her lips over and over again.

"Yes we do or else Massimo and Giulia will be very worried...we both just ran off all of a sudden," Cecilia said pushing him slightly away but never letting go of his hand.

"Yeah I guess you are right...wait!" he said stopping the girl from getting up.

"Does this mean that you...that me...that we are-"

"Together? I suppose so unless you don't want to?"

"No I do want us to be together," Alberto said firmly making Cecilia giggle.

"Me come on we have to go," she said standing up and Alberto following suit.

Both teens swam back to Portorosso before arriving at the rather empty beach.

"Where is everyone?" Cecilia asked noticing that no one was around town like the most usual days.

"That's weird," Alberto noted.

"Something's off...we need to get home," he added tugging Cecilia right behind him. Cecilia shuddered when she felt the eeriness of the once happy and busy town. They quickly arrived at their small home and noticed the door was broken with no sign of Giulia or Massimo anywhere.

"Stay here," Alberto whispered slowly pushing the door open before going inside. Cecilia obeyed waiting for Alberto to scan his surroundings before coming back outside.

"There's no one here at all not even Machiavelli is there," Alberto said coming outside with a worried look, then a sudden idea came into Cecilia, what they could never know where she was unless...

Oh no.

Cecilia went inside the house looking for any signs that it could have been them, her father's old company but then again that was in the US. Unless...they came illegally to Italy to find her but instead took everyone.

But why?

Cecilia frantically searched for anything on the ground or tables that could have been left behind until she found it and her skin turned pale.

"What is it, Cecilia?" Alberto asked to suddenly see what she was holding, a picture of her attached to a file. She didn't know if it had been left on purpose or not but it had all her details from her date of birth to her sea monster description. She suddenly gritted her teeth, MBC was printed in big bold letters, Robert Johnson had done this. He had illegally taken the town or maybe some had escaped whatever the cause no one was here.

"It was them," Cecilia growled in pain and anger, this had been all her fault, the few things she had left were taken away from her due to her stubbornness.

"The men who took your dad?" Alberto asked.

"Yes, but I don't understand...this is my fault that Giulia and Massimo are missing," she cried in frustration until she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"We'll find them," Alberto reassured her but it didn't convince her until she remembered...her father's letter!

Cecilia suddenly took out the small envelope which was surprisingly dry even after being in the ocean.

"What are you doing?" Alberto asked her but she took out the address.

"We need to go to Florence," Cecilia suddenly said making Alberto startled a bit.

"How do you know?"

"My father sent me a letter with an address in case of an emergency," she said showing him the small scrap of paper.

"We don't have a lot of choices now so I guess we'll have to go to Florence," he said with a sigh.

"But how do we get there?" he asked quizzically.

"The train station is probably empty too is there one near to here?" she asked.

"About a mile from town, hopefully, that's not empty," he explained.

"Ok, so all we have to do is go to the station and buy tickets to Florence...I'm sorry Alberto I know this is a lot," she sighed but Alberto only squeezed her hand in comfort.

"C'mon we'll take my Vespa," he said grabbing the keys from the hanger.

They could only pray their family would be safe for now until they could find them.


(REPUBLISHED & COMPLETED)Finding Each Other: A Luca FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now