Chapter 8

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Cecilia woke up late since there were no deliveries and Alberto had the day off from his lifeguard job at the beach meaning they could do something fun that day. She stretched her arms in relief without the screams of her cousin penetrating her ears. She looked over to her cousin's bed where Giulia sat reading one of her astronomy books.

"Morning," Cecilia said standing up to face her cousin.

"Oh, good morning Ceci," her cousin said putting her book away.

"The boys up yet?" she asked.

"Nah, they are still sleeping like babies which gives us time to get ready," she said with a squeal.

"What should I wear?" Giulia pondered looking through her clothes until she pulled out some yellow knee-high shorts and a red blouse.

"This look good?" she asked her cousin for a second opinion.

"Oh yeah that's totally cute," her cousin reassured her making her cousin change happily.

Cecilia also looked for something to wear while pondering on her moment last night with Alberto, her cheeks flushed at the memory as she took off her shirt and put on her bra.

'Focus Cecilia,' she reminded herself spotting a yellow flower-patterned shirt to wear with her shorts.

Once she put on her clothing, she brushed her hair and put on lip gloss. She spotted Giulias tangled mess before helping her comb it and tie it with a yellow bandana. Her cousin looked prettier as her new clothes revealed her true feminine nature that her old clothing hid. She also applied some hot pink lip gloss on her leaving her with a simple yet sexy look.

"Done!" Cecilia said happily once she saw her changed cousin.

"Now let's go see if the boys are up," Giulia said dragging Cecilia to Alberto's room.

Giulia knocked on Alberto's room loudly, Cecilia could hear something fall off followed by a groan. Something was shuffling loudly until the door flew open revealing Luca and Alberto who looked as if they had dressed in a second.

"Hey guys," Giulia waved ignoring her brother's tired look.

Alberto and Luca didn't say anything instead their mouths laid hanging open at the girls again, Giulia only placed a hand on her hip making Luca's face on the verge of exploding.

"You guys coming?" Cecilia asked brushing her hair to reveal her collar bone, this made Alberto cover his mouth.

"Uhh, Earth to sea monsters?" Giulia asked noticing both boys were not saying anything.

"Uhh yeah! We are totally ready!" Alberto said nudging Luca.

"Oh yeah, we are!" Luca added nervously.

"C'mon then!" Cecilia said grabbing Alberto's arm and pulling him out, Luca only silently followed trying to calm his nerves.

Once outside the four teens went to the same cafe they had gone to when Cecilia barely arrived. They had bread with jam and coffee while talking amongst themselves, Cecilia noticed Luca looked extremely nervous and flustered when he looked at Giulia. They both seriously needed some help when it came to dating advice, not that she had any experience but from what she had read in her novels, it wasn't that complicated.

'He just needs to tell her how he feels,' she thought feeling annoyed by his attitude now.

'I don't think it's my place to tell him but...' she then glanced at Alberto before getting an idea. Alberto caught her staring and raised a brow but she only smiled making his face flush, this girl was doing wonders inside of him.

(REPUBLISHED & COMPLETED)Finding Each Other: A Luca FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now