Chapter 16: Final Chapter

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Cecilia's plan was perfect or so she hoped.

A little risky but it was all they had.

Cecilia  felt her palms sweat as they approached the last shipment boat, surely  her family was somewhere in that thing. Ears open, the young girl heard  the men talk about how those "beasts" were now caged on the bottom cargo  area with high security. This made her sweat drop but her determination  never left her as she viewed her surroundings with anger.

She would save her family.

Alberto  gave her a worried look but Cecilia gave him a reassuring smile as she  held her water bottle close to her. The world suddenly froze as Cecilia  emerged from her hiding spot in front of the guards and splashed herself  with some water showing her sea monster form. Alberto bit his cheek  once the guards grabbed Cecilia and cuffed her inside the ship but the  girl only smiled more as soon as she was pushed harshly.

Her  mind became clouded as soon as she was suddenly faced with the man who  had transformed her life into a living hell. The man who had hurt her  parents and now her closest friends and family.

"Robert Johnson," she spat.

"Ah I see you remember me sirenita ," he said looking at the girl with amusement.

"Where is my family?" Her eyebrows were furrowed and her nails dug marks onto her skin.

"Getting  to the point now, are we? I was hoping we'd have a little welcome after  all I haven't seen you...since you ran away," he said lifting her chin  with one of his firm hands.

"Such a beautiful specimen to be dissected on, just like your father," he smirked.

"What did you do to my papa?!" She  suddenly panicked.

"Feisty today are we now?" He laughed.

"Listen here you son of-

"Relax  my dear, now boys dress her nicely, I look forward to our diner while  we sail back to our homeland," he said with a small signal to men before  they dragged Cecilia into who knows where.

'Please hurry Alberto,' she mentally pleaded while those men pushed her into an elevator.

The  men pushed her outside the elevator all of a sudden interrupting her  thoughts while dragging her through the steeled corridors until they  reached a peculiar room. A room full of maids accompanied with dresses  appeared in front of Cecilia confusing her for a second until she was  un-cuffed and locked inside. Quickly the women began to undress her  making Cecilia jolt away and punch one of the women away until she felt a  jab on her leg. She had been tased by one of the maids and then it  dawned on her, she was filled with armed women.

Robert wouldn't let her off that easy.

With  pain immobilizing her, she had no choice but to oblige while the women  continued where they had left off. First, they removed all her clothing  before changing all her garments and then focusing on choosing a dress.  There were all beautiful even though Cecilia barely noticed it due to  the pain still infiltrating her leg. The maids finally decided on the  strapless navy blue dress that barely covered her back or chest. Her  shoes were thankfully red flats, she probably would have trouble running  if they were heels. They then tied her hair into a very elegant bun and  even wrapped a pearl necklace around her, they did her makeup too,  nothing compared to her simple one. Her thin lips were covered in daring  lipstick and her eyes were lined with thick eyeliner and bushed with  black eye powder. They also put like a million layers of mascara and  faint red blush, once done one of the women handed her a mirror. Cecilia  eyed her changed persona, she didn't look her age and that scared her.

(REPUBLISHED & COMPLETED)Finding Each Other: A Luca FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now