Chapter 9

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Cecilia tenses when Luca hugs her once he is done hugging Giulia, he smiles sweetly at his new friend before running back to the ocean where he has to return for the night. A new feeling wells in her chest, she now had one thing she didn't have at home.

She had friends and although she missed her parents, they gave her a lot of comfort without noticing it.

The three teens returned inside to see Massimo cutting up fish for delivery while Machiavelli sniffed the floor for any fallen bits of fish. The man smiled upon seeing his son, daughter, and finally niece with a wide smile. The man of few words felt contempt upon seeing them in their youth and bright lives.

The three went to their own separate rooms before getting ready to go to bed. It was late and tomorrow was another delivery day and dance practice.

Cecilia plopped herself onto her sleeping bag before facing her cousin who was also laying on her bed tiredly.

"Hey Giulia?" the girl asked her cousin while the darkness embedded them.

"Yeah?" she asked curious to what her cousin had to say.

"So...I was thinking you should try confessing to Luca at the dance," she said bluntly making Giulia sit up, although Cecilia couldn't make out her expression she could tell she was flustered.

"No way! I don't want to get rejected!" she harshly whispered.

"I doubt that will happen," her cousin added.

"How do you know that?!"

"I just do so either you tell him or I do."

Cecilia's last statement brought an eerie quiet all of a sudden until she heard Giulia sigh.

"I don't think I can-"

"Yes you can, you are Giulia Marcovaldo and she is not afraid of anything!" her cousin chimed.

"Yeah, I am!" Giulia exclaimed.

"So what are you gonna do now?!" Cecilia asked all pumped up.

"Confess to Luca!"

"What is all this ruckus?" Massimo asked turning on the light to see both embarrassed girls.

"Nothing papa," Giulia answered with a sheepish look.

"It's late, both of you go to sleep," the man sighed before closing the door again, giggles followed suit once Massimo was gone.

"What about you?" Giulia asked making Cecilia raise a brow questioningly.

"Me?" she asked confused.

"Yeah, you and Alberto," she added hoping to discover her cousin's feelings.

The comment made Cecilia blush, she didn't honestly know how to answer, she had gotten to know him over the week but so much had happened.

It was as if they had bonded so much in such little time as if he understood her despite the little time they had known each other.

Cecilia had to admit he was also attractive.

His green eyes were hypnotizing and the way they looked at her caused butterflies to fly in her stomach.

She had never felt this way, the only dating experience she had was from the novels she has read but nothing physical. She had to admit he was nice to her and they had become good friends but those weren't the standards for liking someone even if deep down she had started developing a crush on him.

"I don't know," she responded truthfully.

"What do you mean?" her cousin asked curiously.

" I just...I don't know, he's my friend and I don't want to ruin that," she finally responded truthfully.

(REPUBLISHED & COMPLETED)Finding Each Other: A Luca FanfictionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ