Chapter 14

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Cecilia felt her grip on Alberto's shoulders strengthen as they rode down to the nearest train station. Her mind was jumbled as the two of them sped down the streets of Italy with no people in sight. It was almost as if everything had been deserted and now all that was left was a ghost town.

Finally, the two were able to make it to the nearest station where the only person was the one selling the tickets. Even the old man seemed impressed at the sight of the two teenagers as if they were the first souls to appear in a while.

"Two for Florence," Cecilia said a little too quickly but the man gave her the tickets nonetheless. Alberto caught Cecilia biting her nails in stress as she waited for the next train to arrive, she was afraid but so was he.

His sister and father were who knows where, he could only pray Luca was okay too hiding somewhere in the depths of the ocean.

The train arrived shortly after they had bought their tickets.

It also looked quite empty with only a very few people still on board and no one bothering to come out. Cecilia gave Alberto a worried look but he smiled to reassure her even though he felt very queasy on the inside too.

The two teenagers got inside taking their seats by the window as the train sped off. Time felt slow and Cecilia suddenly wished it'd go by faster as she held onto her boyfriend's hand with anxiety. This had been her fault, those men had taken what little she had left of her family and friends.

She'd get them back...somehow.

The train sped and the trees and ocean suddenly became a blur in the distance until different cities and towns emerged. Cecilia would have admired it all if it wasn't for all the burden she was carrying right now.

First her mama and papa.

Now her cousin and uncle.

She didn't want to lose Alberto too...she couldn't lose him. Her grip became tighter on his hand which he noticed. A small sigh escaped his lips before he placed the girl's small frame on his lap.

The sudden action startled her a bit but then her body relaxed as soon as he wrapped his arms around her torso while her head lay on his chest. It was a bold move but one that she needed so she allowed him to embrace her until the two waited to arrive to Florence.

"LAST CALL FOR FLORENCE!" a voice boomed startling both teens before rushing outside the train.

The city looked huge filled with all sorts of people chattering through the train station.

"We need to call a cab," Alberto noted looking for a payphone but Cecilia quickly spotted a green cab. She quickly rose her hand calling the vehicle which stopped right beside her, the man driving it looked young and flattered by her appearance. His smile dropped though when Alberto came beside her with a protective stance.

"Get in folks," the young man said in a neutral tone suddenly, both teens obeyed before closing the door behind them.

"Where too?" he asked. Cecilia gave the man the small piece of paper to which he only nodded before handing it back. The taxi drive felt shorter, wherever her father's friend lived it wasn't too far but the ride gave a huge notion of the city's wonders.

Streets of old buildings and new ones filled Cecilia's eyes, it felt as if she had suddenly gone to the past. The ocean looked much more majestic and the people looked very lively as well, nothing compared to Portorosso.

Finally, the taxi stopped and Cecilia paid the man before jumping out to meet with a very old and worn apartment building. Her heart hammered in her chest as she slowly knocked on the door. A woman in her late fifties was the first to open, her face looked annoyed and her jaw was clenched tight. Cecilia shivered but Alberto immediately hugged her by the waist protectively easing her a bit.

"What do you two want?" she asked in heavy Italian.

"I am looking for Signor Casanova, do you know where his apartment is?" Cecilia asked trying to avoid the woman's gaze.

"A si, that idiot still owes me last month's rent...he's on the third-floor room 101," she said.

"Grazie," both teens said in unison before entering the building.

They both then reached the third floor before spotting room 101 where her father's friend supposedly lived. Cecilia hesitated at first but then knocked before being greeted by a rather young man who was not much older than her by a couple of years.

"Who are you?" he asked clearly confused by their sudden appearance.

"Buona sera signore, I am Cecilia and this is my friend father Dr. Romano, he told me to find you in case of an emergency," she said trying to compose her trembling body.

"Cecilia? You are his daughter," the man rather said rubbing his chin.

"Yes I am, can you help us?" she asked clearly nervous.

"Si, come in quickly," the man ushered the two inside before shutting the door and locking it quickly.

His home seemed messy, piled with books and papers scattered everywhere making the man just an oddity in between it all.

"My name is Mattias, Matty for short why do you need my help?" he asked looking at both teens with full attention.

"Our town...Portorosso seems to have been kidnapped by the MBC along with my father and mother," she explained desperately.

"Wait? Mario was taken?" he asked with worry to which Cecilia nodded too.

"This is bad...we need to get a move on," the man said frantically searching for something.

"Dude seriously who are you?" Alberto suddenly blurted out.

"Sorry but it is very critical we meet someone or else all sea monsters may be at risk...that includes you two," the man explained.

"How did-"

"Know? It's obvious by your physical structure there are a few differences between you and humans," he explained before pulling a small booklet and grabbing a phone.

Both teens looked at the young blonde man frantically dialing someone before placing the phone on his ear.

"Amalia, I need your help meet me at our spot," he said before hanging up quickly.

"Come now quickly," he ushered both teens before getting a pair of keys.

The man went outside before opening the doors to his small car as Alberto and Cecilia followed suit.

The man sped without a word until Cecilia dared to speak.

"What did you mean by all sea monsters?" she asked.

"The plan is has begun," with that a chill went down her spine.

(REPUBLISHED & COMPLETED)Finding Each Other: A Luca FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now