Chapter-1 ~ The Beginning

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Loid was awake, making breakfast for his "family". Anya, barely awake, was trying desperately to button her school uniform, but to no avail. Yor, on the other hand was busy staring at the silver fork kept on the dining table.

Noticing Anya's helplessness, she went to her. "Mama, please help Anya wear uniform.", said the girl in a low sleepy voice. Yor smiled slightly and replied, "Sure, Anya-san." As she leaned down to button her shirt, Loid shouted to the two of them, "Breakfast is ready!". "Be right there", replied Yor. By this time, Anya fell asleep, slightly leaning on Yor's arms. Yor developed a gleaming bright smile on her face and carried the little girl to the breakfast table.

Loid woke up Anya with a stern voice, "You should have slept, rather than watching Bondman till 11 last night. You do plenty of sleep as you're still a child and rest is needed for doing well in school." Anya didn't say anything, but made an annoyed expression and showed her tongue to Loid as he was serving breakfast to Yor (obviously Loid didn't see that).

The family had breakfast, got ready and soon, all 3 were off to their separate intriguing lives. It has been 4 months since the commencement of Operation- 'Strix'.

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Yor was arranging files at her undercover job at the Berlint City Hall when she heard her colleagues gossiping about yet another dramatic topic. "Oh my......... the men these days are so less understanding. I told Gavin so many times that this month would require a lot of my time at work and we wouldn't be able to go on many dates. But still that bastard left me for a nineteen-year old whore who works as a waitress in this café we both used to go to! I just want to rip off her silky blonde hair! She probably wears a wig and works at the strip joint at night, I'm telling ya all!" , creaked Millie in a cranky voice.
"Well, it's important to understand even men do want to spend time with their partners and not just want endless sex. You should've thought about this more, Millie. ", replied Camilla.

Yor, worried about the the fact that Loid is all day at the hospital with Fiona and only gets to spend an hour a day with her which is usually just eating dinner and discussing about Anya's academic performance. To avoid ending up like Millie, she interrupted timidly, "H-h-how.... should a girl spend quality time with her partner?"

Sharon replied, "Well, you usually go on dates, watch movies together, have an outing, there's tons of stuff you could do. Me and my husband usually visit the autumn fair around this time of the year, maybe you could try that out?" Yor thanked her and started to ponder how she would ask Loid out to the fair, without making it seem awkward.

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Yor nervously walked home that evening, so nervous that even her black bag which had only a folder seemed heavy to her. She walked up the stairs and unlocked the door. To her surprise, Loid was already there, at the couch with Anya, making her practice adding and subtracting fractions. Yor kept her bag on the dining table and went into her room to change. After coming out, she just plainly stared at Loid and Anya, seeing them together..... living with them.... it just lighted a special spark in her heart all the time. Smiling brightly, she went to the kitchen to make tea for her and Loid and cocoa for Anya. After that was done, she served the cocoa to Anya. With her cheeks fully red, she managed to muster the courage to invite Loid to have tea with her (without Anya), "L-L-Loid san.... would you like to come here and have tea with me? Anya can do her work peacefully as we talk." "Sure." replied Loid, feeling a current of nervousness pass down his spine. "One of my colleagues told me about the autumn fair in Central Park this weekend. It has many attractions and it sounds fun. S-S-So.... L-Loid san... would you like to go to the fair with me on Saturday?" , said Yor with her crimson eyes staring at the table and her cheeks as red as tomatoes. "Y-yes, I-I would love to. But what about Anya?", said Loid. "Well, Anya -san already told me that she would be going shopping with Becky-san on Saturday evening."

"It's settled then.", said Loid, feeling a strange sense of inner joy and calmness that he would be with Yor without the presence of Anya. Obviously, he didn't dislike Anya or anything, but this feeling, this nervousness, this excitement was obviously something new even for Loid, who had been in countless sexual relationships throughout his career as a spy.

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The next day, Loid went to give his weekly report regarding Operation-Strix to his handler. Handler, being surprised with the news about the fair advised Loid to go ahead with the plan as it was important to keep a healthy relationship with his family, which included his wife. She also warned him,"I believe Mrs.Forger is starting to develop feelings for you, Twilight." He replied, "Pff- that's nonsense. This is just a regular outing, only to take a break and have fun." "Don't have too much fun, Twilight." , smirked Handler.
Twilight smacked his head out of irritation.

Although, the thought of Yor actually liking him revolved around his head for hours.........

[of course to make sure his fake marriage doesn't face any hinderance! c: ]

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