Chapter-7 ~ The Mission

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It was finally time for the gala and Twilight's special mission. He couldn't reveal to his family that he would be attending this event, thus he made an excuse of a special patient who needed immediate attention.

"Hello, or should I say good evening, Twilight. All suited up for the mission, I see."

Twilight was wearing a disguise, as usual. A certain Dr. Leiser, reputed for his excellency in cardiology and was known for being the doctor of many Westallis' Ministers before he shifted to Ostania. He appeared like an old man, in his fifties with a white moustache and a light beard with tanned skin colour. Twilight also didn't forget to wear black gloves to disguise his true skin colour.

"Yes, Handler. Are we ready?"

Sylvia was disguised as a famous theatre actress, around the same age as Sylvia herself was. The facial features were different, although and she didn't wear her spectacles.

"Remember Twilight, the fate of peace depends on this mission. Do not get yourself distracted, remember to clear your mind and focus on the main objective. "

This was new to Twilight, who had previously been recognised and considered as Westallis' top spy. These words made him feel like that he had finally lost his edge and had become soft due to his family life as Loid Forger.

WISE has been treating him differently ever since he has had his second last psychological evaluation 2 months ago. He was now utterly worried for both himself and his reputation. Therefore, before he could proceed with the mission, he cleared his mind and finally put on his long lost cold-hearted gaze.


The gala was lively, full of all of Ostania's VIPs, Government Officials, High-ranked Military Officials, SSS members, actors and actresses and even famous researchers and owners of Ostanian MNCs. Donovan Desmond with his personal security detail was also present.

The banquet was tightly secured with heavily armed guards at each entrance and even vent access points. WISE bad managed to procure 2 invitations by stealing them from the mail. There was no entry without them.

The main gate was beautifully decorated with ornamental flowers and sculptures. After having their ticket checked, they proceeded inside.

The hall was quite luxurious. The lights were dim, there was a scent of wine in the atmosphere.
After greeting and wishing the defence minister, Twilight started chatting around with other people, trying to gather some extra intel which could aid future missions.

Meanwhile, Handler seated herself at the bar and enjoyed some wine.

It was finally time for Mr.Berger's arrival. Handler signalled Twilight about this. Mr.Berger entered the hall and firstly proceeded towards the minister of defence. After that, he seated himself at the bar along with Sylvia. Twilight also proceeded towards the bar and secured a seat.

"Good evening, Mr. Berger. I hope the package is secure."- said Sylvia in a low voice.

"Indeed, yes it is. Although, I hope the payment will be made by tonight itself. I'm tired of this country and its corrupt politics. I wish to leave as soon as I can and hope that a new party which isn't so corrupt arises in the future and this country could finally become a better place. "

"We hope for a better future for Ostania as well, however, the formation of a new party isn't so necessary, what's necessary is the removal of the despotic Desmond from his position. ", interjected Twilight.

"His party is a far right party. The fundamentals of which will always be xenophobic against Westallis. It's true the country requires a right wing opposition, but not that far-right. ", replied Berger.

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