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Hi everyone! Welcome to another chapter. I realized that there were a few things I forgot to put in the guidelines in the last chapter, so I thought I'd add them now.

Extra Guidelines (applicable to all chapters):

1. Some contextual sentences will be added at the start of some of the quotes to add background information.

2. Some quotes may feature violence/mentions of violence, offensive language and humor, romantic and sexual references, mentions of death, mentions of drug and alcohol use, mentions of mental and/or physical illness, etc. These content warnings will be added to the description.

If I think of any other guidelines, I'll just add them as this fanfiction progresses.



Jotaro: *sees kakyoin across the street from him and hides*

Josuke: "Who is that?"

Jotaro: "An acquaintance of mine. We used to work together."

Josuke: "Cool. So, he's from your origins."

Jotaro: "Ugh. This is all I need!"

Josuke *yelling across the street*: "Excuse me, sir. You're all my friend needs."

Kakyoin: *looks at Josuke and Jotaro with confusion*

Jotaro: *blushes while frowning at Josuke*

Josuke: "Your mouth isn't curved upwards. Did I misread something?"


Kobayashi: "When I was younger, I gave seminars on manipulation. I could reach into a man's soul and unravel it with one tug."

Joseph: "Ok. Try me."

Kobayashi: "You're nearly bald."

Joseph: "So are you..."

Kobayashi: "What!? I'll kill you- "

Jotaro: *keeps Joseph and Kobayashi away from each other*


Okuyasu: *looking through Yukako's bag because he's bored*

Okuyasu: "Uh guys... what does a pregnancy test look like?"

Jotaro: "Oh. It looks like a thin piece of plastic with a thing on the end of it."

Okuyasu: "Ok. So, this is definitely a GUN."

Okuyasu: *holds the gun in hand and waves it in jotaro's direction*

Jotaro: "WOAH!? Put that down!"

Okuyasu: *puts the gun away*


Josuke + Okuyasu + Koichi: *on a school boating trip*

Okuyasu: *pops the inflatable raft with his stand*

Josuke + Koichi: "Okuyasu, what the hell was that for?"

Okuyasu: "You can yell at me all you want, but I've seen enough movies to know that popping the BACK of a raft makes it go faster!"


Yukako: "Hey guys, what's in that briefcase?"

Josuke + Okuyasu: "Oh. It's tacos! Do you want one?"

Yukako: "No thanks!"

Okuyasu: "That's great, we really wanted them."

Josuke: "Yeah, we're going to eat them."

Yukako: "Cool..."


Okuyasu: "Guys, I think I'm failing psychopharmacology!"

Koichi: "...Why are you doing that class?"

Okuyasu: "I thought it was a class about crazy farm animals."


Hazamada: "So... who do you guys think cheated on the test?"

Everyone: *looks at Josuke*

Josuke: "Flattering. But if I'm going to cheat, I'm not going to write information from a book onto a piece of paper. That's practically learning, for god's sake."

Josuke: "Whoever made that cheat sheet wasn't a real cheater, just... insecure and naive."

Everyone: *looks at Koichi*

Koichi: "I may be naive, but I'm not stupid."

Everyone: *looks at Okuyasu*

Okuyasu: "Well, I may be stupid but I'm not trying to look like I'm not."

Hazamada: "Well, I may be a genius but I'm not a lesbian."

Hazamada: *looks at Yukako*

Yukako + others: *confusion*


Josuke: "Hey Jotaro! ...What are you doing?"

Jotaro: *sorting through evidence related to Kira's presence at Josuke's school*

Jotaro: "You stay away, Josuke. I'm not kidding. I'm huge and I have ZERO blood sugar, I will kill you in this pile of frisbees and nobody will ever find you!"

Josuke *leaves*


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