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Hello everyone! I've been away from this fan fiction/quote fic for a while, but I'm ready to jump back in now. I hope you all enjoy these quotes, especially since I've thrown a few festive ones in, and I'll see you next year!

Btw, happy holidays!! I hope everyone has a safe and fun holiday season :D



Josuke and Okuyasu: *Singing Christmas songs with their friends*

Hazamada *Singing off-key* "CHriiiistmAs tiiiimeeee~"

Rohan: "Oh... Hazamada's doing this?"


Josuke + Okuyasu: *Getting ready to fight some stand users and training at Josuke's house*

Tomoko: *Walks in to Josuke's room*

Tomoko: "What is going on here??"

Okuyasu: "We're trying to get Josuke ready for the... fiiiighhht...."

Okuyasu: *Turns around and whispers to Josuke* "I couldn't think of another word."

Josuke: "Idiot!!"

Josuke: "He meant that we were figh.... ting..."

Josuke: "It IS hard to think of another word!"

Okuyasu: *Nods*


Okuyasu + Josuke + Rohan: *Playing a card game*

Okuyasu: *Picks up a card from the deck of cards*

Okuyasu: "Is this a card?"

Rohan: "No, it isn't! My card is the queen of hearts."

Okuyasu: "No, I'm asking: is this A card?"

Josuke + Rohan: *Confused stares*

Rohan: "Uh... yes."


Josuke: *Chasing down stand users and fighting them with his friends*

Yuya: "Please don't hit me... it's Christmas!"

Josuke: "It's December 10th!"


Yukako: "Hey Josuke, I've got some stuff stuck in my locker! Could you help me get it out?"

Josuke: "Sure, I can help."

Josuke: *Opens the locker and a bunch of flyers for school events fall out*

Josuke: "WOAH- "

Josuke: *Sorting through the flyers* "Halloween dance, post-Halloween dance, dance contest, contest dance?? Oh, come on!"

Josuke: *Picks up another flyer*

Josuke: "What's this one... 'Save Shigechi'... what's wrong with Shigechi?"

Yukako: "Nothing's wrong now... we saved him!"

Josuke: "Wait... that school event 'saved' Shigechi?!"

Yukako: "Yeah, I'm surprised too."


Jotaro: *Leaving morioh-cho again*

Joseph: "Where are you going, Jotaro?"

Jotaro: "Well, I'm in a bit of a jam! My marine biology license has been suspended... my superiors found out my college degree was less than legitimate."

Joseph: "I thought you had a bachelor's degree from Colombia?!"

Jotaro: "Yeah, now I have to get one from America, and it can't be an email attachment!"

Joseph: "Damn."


Rohan + Josuke: *Playing a dice game where Rohan thinks Josuke is cheating*

Rohan: "Josuke... have you learnt about the phrase 'cheaters never prosper'. It's very well-known."

Josuke: "No, and if I wanted to learn something, I wouldn't have come to see you!"


Jotaro: *Eating lunch by himself*

Joseph: *Walks by Jotaro while holding some food*

Joseph: *Points towards Jotaro* "All hail sir Eats Alone!"

Jotaro: "Shut up Joseph. I heard about your prescription socks!"


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