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Avdol: It's good to see you again, Jotaro. Do you like my new caravan? It has a billiards table!

Jotaro: It's good to see you too, Avdol. I like your caravan; I think it'll be perfect for travelling around Morioh-cho.

Avdol: Thanks! You know, when I moved into my caravan, I found this.

Avdol: *Holds up a green ball with a 3 sticker that looks like a pool ball*

Avdol: "Do you notice anything strange?"

Jotaro: "...No?"

Avdol: "There's no green 3 ball in billiards. There's a green 6 and a green 14, but never a green 3. So... what sport is this from and why was it in my caravan?

Jotaro: "I have no idea...?"


Rohan: *Trying to fix his computer*

Rohan: *Sees Jotaro walking by*

Rohan: "Oh, Jotaro! Hey, come here.

Jotaro: "What's wrong."

Rohan: "CoMpUtEr No WoRkY!"

Jotaro: "Please don't do that..."

Rohan: "Ugh... Computer no worky."

Jotaro: "Did you lose your password again, Rohan? Listen, I can't keep track of all the parakeets you had growing up!"

Rohan: "No, this is different. I think my computer has a virus..."

Jotaro: *Face-palms*


Josuke: *Runs out of hair gel suddenly and has weird looking hair for the rest of the day*

Joseph: "Hahaha, nice hair Josuke!"

Josuke: "Shut up, Joseph. I once mistook SIX people for you at a pharmacy!"


Koichi and Josuke: *Walking through school together*

Koichi: "Hey Josuke, can you email Yukako and tell her to meet me at my house today? I have a surprise for her!"

Josuke: "Ugh, I hate emailing Yukako. She can't commit to an email font! It's pathological!"


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